Professor Charles G Fisher, MD, MHSc, FRCSC

2018 Pesi B Chacha Lectureship

Professor and Head
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of Spine Surgery
University of British Columbia and Vancouver General Hospital

“The Changing Face of Spine Oncology : Key Developments and an Innovative Research Model”

Dr. Fisher is Professor and Head of the Combined Neurosurgical & Orthopaedic Spine Program at Vancouver General Hospital and the University of British Columbia. He has a Masters Degree in Health Care and Epidemiology and is the former President of the Canadian Spine Society.

Dr. Fisher has special research interests in spine oncology, trauma and evidence based medicine. He is Chairman of the AO Knowledge Forum Tumour, an international group of spine oncology surgeons committed to advancing the understanding of spine oncology management through education & multi-center research. Dr. Fisher is on the steering committee for the Canadian Spine Outcomes & Research Network (CSORN). Dr. Fisher is a co-author of Evidence Based Recommendations in Spine Surgery for the journal, Spine.

Dr. Fisher has authored over 250 peer-reviewed publications and has co-authored 3 textbooks. He has been the special guest editor for two focus issues in Spine Oncology for the journal, Spine. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neurosurgery Spine and is an Associate Editor for the journal, Spine. He was honoured as one of the top 28 spine surgeons in North America.

2018 Pesi B Chacha Lectureship Programme (139 KB Adobe PDF File)

Date/Day Time Topic Venue
4 January 2018 (Thur)
7.30 am

2018 Pesi B Chacha Lecture:
"The Changing Face of Spine Oncology : Key Developments and an Innovative Research Model"

Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block
12.00 pm

Lecture: "Development of Research Networks and Registries" (45 mins)

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

5 January 2018 (Fri)
7.40 am

NUH Grand Round Lecture:
"Five Ways to Avoid Epic Research Failures as an Academic Surgeon"

Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block

9.00 am

Lecture: "Development of Classifications in Spine Trauma" (45 mins)

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block