Prof Richard A. Berger, MD, PhD

2014 R W H Pho Lectureship

15 – 19 July 2014

Chair, Division of Hand Surgery

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Dean, Mayo School of Continuous Professional


Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

“Medical Research: Bed to Bench and Back”

Some of the most relevant research for today’s healthcare advancements is the result of translational research not only from the bench to the bedside, but from the bedside to the bench and back to the bedside. Additionally, many careers in research result in a “fabric” of various projects, each potentially changing the direction of research, which is woven over time. This presentation will take the learner through a sequence of research initiatives carried out by the author, to illustrate how these phenomena occur and how they can be beneficial.

2014 R W H Pho Lectureship Programme (135 KB Adobe PDF File)

Date/Day Time Topic Venue
15 July 2014 (Tue)
3.30 pm


Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

6.15 pm

2014 R W H Pho Lecture: "Medical Research: Bed to Bench and Back"

Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block

16 July 2014 (Wed)
7.30 am

Anatomy and Mechanics of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

9.00 am


Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

11.30 pm

Partial Wrist Denervation

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

17 July 2014 (Thur)
7.30 pm

Scapholunate Instability: A Model of Predisposition

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

11.30 pm

Midcarpal Instability

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

18 July 2014 (Fri)
7.30 pm

Hospital Grand Ward Round Lecture: "Quality Improvement and Medical Education"

NUHS Auditorium, Level 1

9.00 pm

Anatomy of the Wrist

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

11.30 pm

Examination of the Wrist

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

19 July 2014 (sat)
8.30 pm

Singapore Orthopaedic Association Lecture: "History of Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery at Mayo Clinic"

Seminar Room T11-02/03, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block