o help them make an informed career decision, the Medical Executive Education team (MEDEx) organised its annual NUS MED Camp in December 2021. This experiential career exploration programme exposes students from pre-tertiary institutions to various facets of the medical school experience and provides them with an insight into the broad spectrum of careers available in healthcare. While the plan had been to host a series of on-campus activities for participants, these had to be adapted into a virtual format due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Despite this, the team worked hard to plan an engaging, interactive programme that would maintain the same rigour of an in-person, on-location camp.
From 8 to 10 December 2021, 185 students from various pre-tertiary institutions in Singapore were hosted by NUS Medicine via Zoom. Throughout the 3-day camp, the students participated in a blend of lectures, tutorials, discussions, quizzes, case studies, sharing sessions, and Q&A sessions, giving them a taste of what it is like to be medical and nursing students.
By attending university-style lectures presented by teaching staff, the participants were able to build up a knowledge base of some fundamental medical concepts. They interacted with healthcare and physician mentors, gaining a better appreciation of the importance of patient-centric and value-driven outcomes in healthcare.
students from
various pre-tertiary
institutions joined
the 3-day NUS
MED Camp 2021
The positive response from the participants to the NUS MED Camp 2021 was heartening. Hopefully, this experience has inspired them to embark on a career in healthcare and will help them to be more intentional and discerning in their career choices. The MEDEx team is grateful to the academic teaching staff, various healthcare professionals from different disciplines, as well as the NUS Medicine students who were very generous in sharing their experiences about the rewards and challenges of working in the various healthcare professions.