Dear Friends,

It has been nine months since Sars-CoV-2 appeared amidst an unsuspecting and unprepared world. In these nine months, the coronavirus has sickened close to 40 million people and taken more than 1 million lives.* It has sent the world’s economies into recession, separated families, upended everyone’s lives, exacerbated geopolitical tensions, and spawned a new global race to produce and procure the much-needed vaccine that will help to bring the pandemic to an end.

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Issue 36


Load-bearing Exoskeleton Idea Scores at Medical Grand Challenge 2020

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In Vivo

Learning Virtually about Patient Safety, Safely

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Issue 36


Heartfelt Healing: Rekindling One’s Love for Medicine and Humanity

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Issue 36

Science of Life

Finding Needles in the Cardiac Haystack

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Issue 36


Genetic Map of the Heart Opens New Ways of Understanding Heart Disease

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Issue 36

Ethically Speaking

How Should a COVID-19 Vaccine be Distributed?

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Issue 36


How Should We Decide Who Gets a COVID-19 Vaccine First?

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COVID-19 Special

COVID-19 Safe?

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Issue 36
Issue 36

Medical Students Turned Emergency Workers in Pandemic Fight

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Issue 36

My Brother SG: Supporting Our Migrant Workers

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Issue 36


Call of Duty: Returning to the Frontlines

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All in the Family

Teaching Family Medicine in the Age of COVID-19

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Issue 36
Issue 36

People of NUS Medicine

Celebrating Our Teachers – They Who Teach Also Learn

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Issue 36

Celebrating Our Teachers – No Dream Too Big

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Issue 36

Keeping Cool in the Heat of Things

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