Dear Reader,

On December 21 last year, a cruise ship set sail from Hamburg, Germany, on what was supposed to be a 140-day journey. On board were uninvited and unseen stowaways. One hundred and seventy days later, the MV Artania finally docked at the German port of Bremerhaven after an epic, six-month odyssey. Of the more than 1,000 passengers, only eight were left on board along with a skeleton crew. More than 800 passengers had disembarked along the way to catch flights home, while another 200 or so were evacuated to hospitals. En route home, the ship made numerous diversions to drop off crew members, before returning to a world vastly changed from the one it left in December.

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Issue 35

COVID-19 Special

How Close Are We To A Vaccine Or Treatment For COVID-19?

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Issue 35


COVID-19: Updates From Singapore Webinar Series

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Issue 35

Pathogen Central

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Issue 35

Before Singapore Exits Circuit Breaker, Let’s Reflect On Our Biases Against Migrant Workers

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Issue 35


Isolation, Loneliness & Re-connecting In The Time of COVID-19

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Issue 35

In Vivo

Levelling Up! Enhancing Teaching With Gamification And Technology

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Issue 35


Introducing The VIP: An AI Response To Clinical Teaching In The Time Of COVID-19

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Science of Life

The ENABL Collaboration: Partnering With Pharma To Detect And Stop Major Cause of Liver Cancer

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Issue 35
Issue 35

Precision Medicine

What Do Diabetes And Alcohol Metabolism Have In Common?

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People of NUS Medicine

Keeper of The Flame

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Issue 35
Issue 35

Ethically Speaking

The Duty To Inform And The Doctor’s Dilemma

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Issue 35


‘What Is Inconvenient For You Is Life-Saving For Me’: How Health Inequities Are Playing Out During The COVID-19 Pandemic

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Issue 35

Alumni Voices

From Classroom To Frontline

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Issue 35


First SAF Female Medical Officer To Don Khaki Beret

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