Unity In The Face Of COVID-19

Since the onset of COVID-19, the National University Health System (NUHS) has turned around all three campuses—Kent Ridge, JurongHealth and Alexandra—as well as the polyclinics, to care for patients with heightened vigilance and infection control measures.
Catch a glimpse of what goes on at the frontline and behind the scenes, as healthcare heroes tirelessly lead the fight against COVID-19.

Photo credit: National University Health System (NUHS)

It’s business as usual, but with more infection control measures in place. Staff greeting or screening patients at designated stations are required to don protective equipment before starting their shifts, with added security to guide people through spaces.

Medical staff remain focused in their work. Where possible, doctors conduct follow ups and clinical consultations through telemedicine to advise patients remotely.

Here, a nurse takes light snacks to a patient in an isolation room.

Hidden from sight but no less important, Laboratory Medicine teams perform
tests for COVID-19 infection.

It’s all hands on deck: support staff continue to keep operations running smoothly.

The NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine is a founding institutional member of the National University Health System (NUHS), an academic health system formed in 2008, dedicated to achieving and maintaining excellence in clinical care, research and education. One of three public healthcare clusters in Singapore, NUHS taps on the wealth of resources residing within NUS by drawing upon academic, research and creative capabilities to develop solutions for existing and emerging health and healthcare needs. It works in close collaboration with community hospitals, general practitioners, family medicine clinics, nursing homes and other community partners to provide integrated care to the community.