Dean’s Message

Inspiring Health for All

Let me start by congratulating Team Medicine for winning the 2018 Inter-Faculty Games and bringing home the Tan Eng Chye Challenge Trophy! Well-done all sportsmen and women!

We are all part of cycles in life. I begin with a tribute to our teachers here at the School. The 2,950 teachers include academic clinicians, scientists as well as clinicians from public and private healthcare institutions. Our teachers unstintingly give of their time to teach and mentor tomorrow’s doctors, nurses and scientists. Our students catch the inspiration from their teachers, and seniors, and will in turn pass on the values, wisdom and experience to those who come after.

Service and giving is yet another virtuous cycle. We are a medical school with a tradition of public service that goes back to our heritage and founding more than a century ago. It is a legacy that our students continue to build on, through a number of community projects. Two especially deserve mention because they are iconic examples of our service ethos.

In 2004, a group of NUS Medicine students saw the need to educate the community about health matters and started a basic community health screening service for Singaporeans. The Public Health Service is now in its 15th year. It aims to promote the health of the local community using both primary and secondary prevention strategies, and also spreading awareness of the need for everyone to care for their own health. In 2008, another group of medical students started the Neighbourhood Health Service for

low income-earning residents living in rental HDB apartments in Taman Jurong. This year the 12th edition of NHS has reached out to residents in Kampong Glam and Queenstown (Leng Kee) in September and October. They were screened for all chronic illnesses as well as oral, visual and hearing health. Our students are also following up on residents in districts screened in previous years, including those residing in Eunos Crescent and Kampong Glam.

Both of these annual community service programmes came into being because our students saw a need and took action to address the need. Long may our vision of inspiring health for all continue into the future!

I too have completed a full circle and this is my last message as Dean of NUS Medicine. It has been a great privilege and honour to have served as Dean of the School and to have worked alongside all faculty and staff for the past six years. More than ever I am inspired by all the talent in the university and in our students. I thank all of you for your support. I am confident that under the able guidance of the new Dean, Professor Chong Yap Seng, the School will reach new heights. Please give your full support to the new leadership team. The future is in good hands and brighter than ever!

With best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy 2019!

Khay Guan