The NUS medical school has produced close to 10,000 graduates over the course of its 113-year history. All have gone on to serve the nation and community in a variety of roles. Some have risen to the highest posts in the land, others have assumed various public and leadership duties, while most have worked faithfully and quietly in the background. Whatever their calling after medical school, it would be fair to say that generations of the men and women of Singapore’s oldest and foremost medical school have played significant roles in the development and transformation of the country’s healthcare system.

While the heads of the School during the early years were British expatriates, our own alumni have held the post of Dean since 1956. They served their alma mater with dedication and distinction, each helping to take the School to higher levels of academic standards.

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Issue 26


New dean appointed for NUS medical school

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Issue 26


15th APMEC Looks At Technology’s Role in Medical Education

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Issue 26

Vietnamese Medical Education through Singaporean Eyes

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Issue 26

NUS Offers Two-year Nursing Degree Programme

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Issue 26

Science of Life

Found – Protein Used by Virus to Infect Central Nervous System in Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

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Issue 26


Recreating Liver Tumours as Organoids for Faster, More Accurate Drug Screening

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Issue 26

In Vivo

3D Virtual Worlds a Promising Tool for Inter-Professional Education

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Issue 26

Actors Help Medical Students and Residents Practice Their Skills

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Issue 26

Blended Learning at NUS Medicine

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Ethically Speaking

What’s the Big Deal About Big Data and How Do We Think Through the Ethical Issues?

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Issue 26
Issue 26


It Won’t Kill You to Talk About It

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Issue 26


The Sum of All Fears

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Issue 26

Vintage Observations

Eat Well, Live Strong

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Alumni Voices

Feeling History’s Pulse

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Issue 26
Issue 26

People of NUS Medicine

Leader of the Band

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With a Little Help

Wushu Athlete Encouraged in Times of Need

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Issue 26


May – July 2018

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Event & Venue

May 19


Standardised Patient Day
Centre for Translational Medicine (MD6), NUS

Jul 3


Medical Dinner
Orchard Hotel Singapore, Orchard Ballroom, Level 3

Jul 14


Seminar Room, T06-02/03, Level 6, NUHS Tower Block

Jul 15


Commencement Ceremony
University Cultural Centre, NUS

Jul 18-19


Singapore Gastric Cancer Consortium (SGCC) 11th Annual Scientific Meeting
Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block

Jul 26


NUS Medicine Safety Day
T 37 and Multi-Purpose Halls, Level 3, Tahir Foundation Building (MD1), NUS