The impact of a medical school is seen in the work of its graduates, staff and students. While their contribution to improvements in a nation’s overall health and well-being can be measured in many ways, it is what Shakespeare called “the quality of mercy” – in this instance, the compassion and professionalism expressed and displayed through the delivery of care – that most evidently touches and improves the lives of people.

Through the 113 years of the NUS medical school, our alumni and staff have consistently endeavoured to live up to this tradition of service. As we begin a new year, we pause to pay tribute to one of our finest – the late Professor Chia Boon Lock, who passed away in December last year at the age of 78.

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Issue 25


Health Screening Efforts Reach Out to Elderly

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Issue 25


Technology-enhanced Education the Focus for 15th APMEC

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Issue 25

Science of Life

Killing Colorectal Cancer Cells with Engineered Bacteria and Broccoli Extract Combo

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Issue 25

Mother’s Antibodies May Worsen Dengue Infection in Children

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Issue 25

Landmark Genetic Study Better Predicts Stomach Cancer

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In Vivo

Technology’s Role in Training Safer Doctors

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Issue 25
Issue 25

Ethically Speaking

No One Left Behind

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Patients, Palliative Care and Lessons the Textbooks Don’t Teach

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Issue 25
Issue 25

Vintage Observations

Should Medicine Go “All In” on Ageing?

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Alumni Voices

From Swords to Ploughshares

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Issue 25
Issue 25

People of NUS Medicine

Answering Military Medicine’s Call

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February – April 2018

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Date Event & Venue

Feb 6-9

16th Asia Pacific Evidence-Based Medicine and Nursing (APEBMN) Workshop & Conference
Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block

Feb 19

39th FRCS Orthopaedic Postgraduate Course
Seminar Room, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

Feb 24

4th Annual Lee Kim Tah Lecture: Arts for Mental Health of the Elderly
Seminar Room, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

Feb 26

Overseas Inter-professional Education Expert Visit

Mar 7-9

7th International Singapore Lipid Symposium (ISLS 7)
Auditorium, Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), NUS

Mar 12

39th FRCS Orthopaedic Postgraduate Course
Seminar Room, Level 11, NUHS Tower Block

Mar 16

The Breast Cancer Meanings Symposium
Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block

Mar 21-24

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) World Congress
Suntec City Convention and Exhibition Centre

Apr 2

Oon Chiew Seng Public Lecture: Long-living Through Recycling –
Did You Remember to Take Out the Garbage? Your Cells Sure Did!
Auditorium, Level 1 NUHS Tower Block

Apr 4

Oon Chiew Seng Lunchtime Scientific Lecture:
Targeting Selective Autophagy in Ageing and Age-related Disorders
Auditorium, Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), NUS

Apr 5-7


Class of 1968 Reunion – 50th Anniversary
Kent Ridge Guild House, NUS