Dear Friends,

Medicine is all about people. Doctors look after the health of people and this itself gives all the purpose to our work. Equally, the lives of doctors are often a heartwarming and inspiring story about people and about life.

This is certainly true of Dr George Khoo Swee Tuan, a 1954 alumnus of the King Edward VII College of Medicine (the antecedent to NUS Medicine) and a true community doctor. He has tended to Rochor area residents since 1963. Some of his patients span four generations of the same family. Some were very poor and he would waive his fees for them. Others were opium addicts living in the area, which was rife with gangsters and assorted riff-raff. One tried to extort $200 in “protection money” to shield him against other gangsters; Dr Khoo bargained the man down to $8, he recalled in a recent interview with The Straits Times. “After some time, I realised I enjoy the profession, curing and helping people. And I realised I’m doing some good.”

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Issue 24


A Little Love Goes a Long Way

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Issue 24


17th International Conference on Integrated Care

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Issue 24

White Coat, Heavy Yoke

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Issue 24

Neighbours First – An Unwavering Commitment to Serve

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Issue 24

Healthcare Competition Challenges Student Teams

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Issue 24

Raffles Dialogue 2017 Focuses on Global Concerns

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Issue 24

A Better Way

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Issue 24

Prof Tan Chorh Chuan to Spearhead Healthcare Innovation

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Issue 24

Science of Life

Potency and Potential

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Issue 24

Fighting a Highly Prevalent Disease in Singapore on Multiple Fronts

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Issue 24

Vitamin E Isoform γ-Tocotrienol May Help Protect Against Emphysema in COPD

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In Vivo

Healthcare in the Himalayas

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Issue 24
Issue 24

The Future of Medical Education

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Issue 24

More Young School Leavers Drawn to Nursing’s New Horizons

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Issue 24

With A Little Help

A Thirst for Helping People Led Scholar to Nursing

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People of NUS Medicine

Living in the Moment with Karate

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Issue 24
Issue 24


Transforming Healthcare – The Role of Family Physicians and The Primary Care Sector

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Issue 24

Teaching Palliative Care

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Issue 24

Putting Singapore on Map of Medical Advances

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Alumni Voices

A Country Practice

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Issue 24
Issue 24

Ethically Speaking

Reasonable Patient Standard and Informed Consent

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Issue 24


Regulating the Stem Cell Industry: Needs and Responsibilities

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 Event & Venue
Nov 2 Singapore Brain Modulation Symposium & 4th NUS Academic Psychiatry Meeting
Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block
Nov 2 Dialogue 2017
Lecture Theatre LT37, Level 3, Tahir Foundation Building (MD1), NUS
Nov 5 Go Red @ Clementi
Clementi Community Centre
Nov 9 Pressurised Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium & Hands-on Course
Advanced Surgery Training Centre, Level 2, Kent Ridge Wing, NUH
Nov 14 Biology of Ageing II: Impactful Interventions
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore
Nov 16 NUS-Cambridge Joint Symposium
Auditorium, Level 1, Clinical Research Centre (MD11)
Nov 20 AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Webinar
For more information, visit
Nov 23 Graduate Students Symposium
Lecture Theatre LT35, Level 3, Centre for Translational Medicine (MD6)
Jan 10 15th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)
NUS & Resorts World Convention Centre, Sentosa
Jan 11 Association of Academic Health Centers 
International (AAHCI) Southeast Asia Regional Meeting
Meeting Room T06-03, Level 6, NUHS Tower Block