Dean Message

I am pleased to tell you that, for a second year running, NUS is ranked Asia’s leading university, according to the 2017 Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings.

As NUS President Tan Chorh Chuan noted, the ranking is a strong recognition of the University’s Asian and global approach to education and research, as well as the importance NUS places on making a positive impact on the nation and the community around us.

Like the other faculties and schools, the NUS medical school exists to serve Singapore. We have been doing this for the past 112 years by educating and training generation after generation of motivated medical and nursing professionals, teaching them to care competently for their patients. We are also driven by our relentless search for better, more effective ways to understand, treat and overcome diseases.

The healthcare profession is fundamentally about people and caring for them compassionately. This is also the philosophy of our School and we will inculcate this in

the incoming Medicine and Nursing Class of 2022, as we have done for preceding classes of medical and nursing freshmen. Our administrators also carry these values with them in their outreach to the needy, lonely and neglected through the School’s corporate social responsibility initiatives.

The School has been able to perpetuate and uphold our Hippocratic ethos because it is blessed with a cadre of dedicated teachers, who are also doctors and scientists. They model and exemplify to all of us here at NUS Medicine the professionalism and humanity that we seek to imbue in our students and, indeed, in all of us.

That is why I want to place on record the School’s deep appreciation and gratitude to Professor Hooi Shing Chuan, Vice-Dean (Education) and Associate Professor Lee Yung Seng, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs), who are completing their respective terms of appointment. They showed the way for all of us, and NUS Medicine is a better and stronger institution because of their exemplary leadership.

Khay Guan