Dean’s Message

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Dear Friends,

Warmest greetings from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine!

2015 is a very special year, because we celebrate 110 years of the School. We have a line-up of exciting events, including the Medical Dinner on 3 July 2015, the day when the School – and the NUS – began 110 years ago. More details of this important occasion as well as other key events will be given in the coming months, and I encourage you to stay tuned.

2014 proved to be an eventual and meaningful one, and I would like to share some highlights with you.

On 31 October 2014, we had the pleasure of hosting the NUS-Cambridge Joint Symposium 2014 on Infection and Immunity. The symposium provided a critical platform for the exchanging and updating of research ideas, and helped to cultivate cooperation between the researchers and students from the two schools involved.

As part of the long-standing tradition of recognising our clinical teachers, the School held a series of Appreciation for Clinical Teachers events at all the restructured hospitals in Singapore from September to December 2014. The initiative was to celebrate the teaching mission and to express our gratitude to clinical teachers who invested their time and effort in our medical students’ education.

We also held our 2nd NUS Medical Alumni Year-end Get-together, the Jazz Nite, on 1 November 2014. The evening gave 100 alumni the opportunity to wind down after work and mingle with one another. Attendees were treated to a special piano performance by our very own alumnus Dr Jeevarajah Nithiananthan (Class of 1984).

As always, our students found time to care for others even as they coped with their very demanding study schedules. The Public Health Screening (PHS) 2014 was held on 11 and 12 October 2014. Now in its ninth year, the student initiative has been steadily advancing year after year. For PHS 2014, students focused on developing a comprehensive post-event follow-up programme by working with the National University Health System and its primary care partner the Frontier Family Medicine Clinic.

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our faculty, staff, students and alumni for your invaluable contributions to the NUS Medicine community.

Wishing everyone good health, joy & fulfilment!

A/Prof Yeoh Khay Guan
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine