Course Overview

The Master of Science (Audiology) is offered in collaboration with the University of Melbourne - which has an existing programme, renowned for combining the best of academic, clinical and research rigor.

In addition, the programme at NUS is customized with a distinct Asian focus - taking into consideration local specifics like pathologies, genetics, regional infections, cultures, language dependent sound and hearing instrument differences, healthcare delivery systems, costing, policies and translational research focuses. It further distinguishes itself from other programmes by incorporating a multidisciplinary approach with related modules covering psychology, public health, engineering, business and innovation.

Students will have the unique opportunity to integrate academics, clinical practice and research, which is carried out both in-house and in collaboration with government research institutions, universities, industry and international partners. Students will be exposed to working with professionals from multiple related disciplines and will be involved early on in the program in public education, awareness and events on hearing health with emphasis placed on a spirit of service, community involvement and consideration for public health policies.

With the growing global population, there is a worldwide shortage of audiologists. Audiologists are increasingly in demand as people are now living longer owing to better healthcare and medical advances. At the same time, detection of hearing impairment through newborn hearing screening and a trend of early hearing deterioration due to noisy lifestyles also needs to be addressed. Indeed, there has never been a more compelling time to embark on a Master of Science ( Audiology) programme.