Alston NG

Research Assistant

Alston is a qualitative researcher with a background in anthropological research and behavioural insights at the Centre for Sustainable Medicine. He hopes that results from the Centre’s work will inspire other clinicians and healthcare professionals to critically interrogate methods of healthcare delivery and explore alternative low-carbon approaches to care provision.

Before joining CoSM, Alston was a Health Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Health. He collaborated with community partners and public healthcare institutions to better understand the local community and evaluated behaviourally informed health interventions. He believes that as important as changing health behaviours is to promote good health, upstream interventions like healthcare decarbonisation are just as critical, if not more so.

Alston graduated from Yale-NUS College with honours in Anthropology and received the Bernard Bate Prize for Best Capstone in Anthropology for his year.


Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
Head of Implementation
Head of Implementation
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Carbon Analytics
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Focus Area: Net Zero Clinical Transformation
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Inez YEO
Research Assistant
Inez YEO
Research Assistant

Advisory Board

Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine