Head of Health System Carbon Analytics

Tom Andrew is the Head of Health System Carbon Analytics at the Centre for Sustainable Medicine. He specialises in translating complex and uncertain carbon data into clear recommendations for sustainable healthcare policy.

He previously led the ‘Net Zero Modelling, Research and Evaluation’ team for the National Health Service (NHS) in England. His team created a new carbon footprint model that is capable of calculating and forecasting NHS emissions at a sub-national level for the first time. Tom also provided analytic support to the NHS international partnerships programme. He worked closely with the World Health Organisation to develop new guidance on setting carbon targets in health systems, and is a contributor to the Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare.

Prior to joining the NHS, Tom worked for the UK’s Climate Change Committee, providing independent advice to the government on setting carbon targets and progress towards meeting them. He specialised in cross-economy pathway modelling, cost-benefit analysis, and devolved environmental legislation. He convened a Health Expert Group led by Sir Michael Marmot, which focused on the public health co-impacts of decarbonisation pathways to meet the UK’s climate targets.

Tom graduated from Selwyn College, University of Cambridge with a degree in Chemical Engineering and Management.


Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
Head of Implementation
Head of Implementation
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Carbon Analytics
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Focus Area: Net Zero Clinical Transformation
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Inez YEO
Research Assistant
Inez YEO
Research Assistant

Advisory Board

Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine