Pre-Conference Symposium On
Outcome-Based Curriculum: Global Perspectives
Friday 9 February 2007 - 6pm to 9pm
Venue : LT 28 , NUS
Registration Fee : US$20 (includes dinner and transport back to The Gallery Hotel)
Although there is much interest in the scientific approach to curriculum development, there are few opportunities when medical educators can learn from the experience of others. Medical educators and curriculum planners would like to get concrete examples enhance their understanding of the curriculum development process and organisation from different medical schools around the world.

The discussion during this special symposium will revolve around two parallel themes: a) the practical process of developing an outcomes-based curriculum, and b) the structure and organisation of different curriculum models. Through this sharing session, we hope to identify some common factors in curriculum development and implementation, such as drivers for change, processes undertaken, challenges faced, leadership attributes, and evaluation methods that can be further refined, improved, and implemented within their own context.

Four medical schools across three continents will share their version of curriculum development and provide "insights from the inside."
Joseph P Grande
Angela E O'Neil
Wojciech Pawlina
Thomas R Viggiano
Mayo Medical School, USA

Margery H Davis
University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom

Rukhsana W Zuberi
Aga Khan University (AKU), Pakistan

Zubair Amin
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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