Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the Organising Committee of the 4th APMEC. Once again we cordially invite all our friends and fellow medical educators from Asia and beyond to participate in our 4th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference from 8th to 11th February, 2007 at the National University of Singapore, Singapore. Our APMEC series has gained international recognition as the premiere medical education conference in the region.

The theme for our 4th APMEC is Outcomes in Medical Education - Trends, Issues, Priorities, Strategies (TIPS). As you all know, a basic tenet of outcome-based education is to clearly identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes students are expected to acquire at the end of their educational preparation to enter into professional practice. Such an approach to medical education facilitates the design and delivery of a more effective curriculum, as well as the measurement of more clearly stated outcomes.

As in our past 3 APMECs, several world renowned medical educators have been invited and already accepted our invitation to review major issues relating to outcome-based medical education and to run workshops at the conference. Please visit our website at for more details.

The first 3 APMECs attracted a large local, regional and international participation. In this 4th APMEC, we are expecting 400 to 450 medical educators from and beyond the Asian region to join us at the APMEC 2007.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, I would like to invite you to join us at APMEC 2007 and to submit abstract/s for this Conference. Ten selected papers from the 2nd APMEC were published in Annals of Academy of Medicine. Papers from the 3rd APMEC will be published in September 2006. We expect that selected abstracts and full papers from 4th APMEC will also be published.

I look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to Singapore to make the 4th APMEC yet another resounding success!


Khoo Hoon Eng
Chairperson, Organising Committee 4th APMEC 2007
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry
Deputy Head, Medical Education Unit, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
Associate Director, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning,
National University of Singapore
MD4A, 5 Science Drive 2
Singapore 117597.
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