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CHAN Li Chong
Chair Professor, Department of Pathology
Co-Director, Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit
The Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong; and
Co-Director,Centre for the Humanities and Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong S.A.R.

Dr. Chan has a special interest in curriculum development, problem based learning in medicine and general education, and mindful practice. He is the Chairman of the Medical Humanities Planning Group responsible for developing and implementing a longitudinal and core medical humanities curriculum which was launched in 2012. He is on the steering committee of the Common Core Curriculum of HKU responsible for developing a liberal arts education for all students from 2013.  He received an Outstanding Teaching Award of the University of Hong Kong in 2008.

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General Secretary and Treasurer
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
United Kingdom

Professor Ronald Harden graduated from the medical school in Glasgow, UK.  He practised as an endocrinologist before moving full time to medical education.  He was formerly Professor of Medical Education, Teaching Dean and Director of the Centre for Medical Education at the University of Dundee. Professor Harden is currently Editor of Medical Teacher and General Secretary and Treasurer of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Professor Harden is recognised as one of the leading international authorities in medical education and has received numerous prizes and awards recognising his achievements. He brings to medical education a unique blend of theory and practical experience. He has written extensively in his areas of interest and has published more than 400 papers in leading journals.  He is co-editor of “A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers” and co-author of “Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher.”

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Pericles LEWIS
Yale-NUS College

Pericles Lewis, Founding President and Professor of Humanities at Yale-NUS College, formerly served as Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Yale University.  As President, he has advocated for liberal arts and sciences education that encourages critical thinking in the context of a residential community of learning.  He has responsibility for all aspects of the College’s operations, including the articulation of the College’s mission, development of an innovative curriculum and co-curricular activities, maintaining the financial well-being and physical infrastructure of the College, oversight of teaching and research programs, and recruitment, development, and well-being of an outstanding student body, faculty, and staff.

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Professor. Dr
Department of Educational Development and Research
FICE, Flinders University
Adelaide, Australia and
Adjunct Professor, Innovative Assessment Maastricht University
The Netherlands

Lambert Schuwirth obtained his MD from Maastricht University. In 1991 he joined the department of Educational Development and Research there, taking up various roles in student assessment: chairman of the inter-university and the local progress test review committee, the OSCE review committee and the case-based testing committee. Since the early 2000s he has been chair of the overall task force on assessment. He has been advisor on assessment to medical colleges in the Netherlands and the UK. In 2010 he chaired an international consensus group on education research the results of which were published in Medical Teacher. Since 2007 he is a full-professor for Innovative Assessment at Maastricht University – currently as adjunct; since 2011 he is a strategic professor for Medical Education at Flinders University in Adelaide Australia.

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Yvonne STEINERT, Ph.D.
Professor of Family Medicine
Director, Centre for Medical Education
Richard and Sylvia Cruess Chair in Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Yvonne Steinert, a clinical psychologist and Professor of Family Medicine, is the Director of the Centre for Medical Education and the Richard and Sylvia Cruess Chair in Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University. She is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, educational research, and the design and delivery of faculty development programs and activities. Her research interests focus on teaching and learning in the health professions, the impact of faculty development on the individual and the organization, and the continuing professional development of faculty members. She has written extensively on the topic of faculty development and medical education, and she frequently addresses medical educators at both national and international meetings. Dr. Steinert is the former Associate Dean of Faculty Development at McGill University, Past-President of the Canadian Association for Medical Education, and the first recipient of the ACMC-AstraZeneca Award for Exemplary Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada.

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Cees van der VLEUTEN
Professor of Education
Chair, Department of Educational Development and Research; and
Scientific Director, School of Health Sciences Education
University of Maastricht
The Netherlands

Cees van der Vleuten came to the University of Maastricht in 1982. He was appointed as a Professor of Education in 1996 at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and chair of the Department of Educational Development and Research. In 2005 he was appointed as the Scientific Director of the School of Health Professions Education (www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/she). His area of expertise lies in evaluation and assessment. He has published widely on these topics, holds numerous academic awards for his work, including several career awards. He has frequently served as a consultant internationally. He is a mentor for many researchers in medical education and has supervised more than 60 doctoral graduate students in the past. In 2010 he received a Dutch royal decoration for the societal impact of his work. In 2012 he received the Karolinska Prize for research in medical education. A full curriculum vitae can be found at: http://www.fdg.unimaas.nl/educ/cees/CV/.

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Research Scholar
The Hastings Center in Garrison
New York

Nancy Berlinger, PhD is a Research Scholar at The Hastings Center in Garrison, New York. Her research interests focus on ethical challenges in health care work, including treatment decision-making and care near the end of life, ethical issues in the management of cancer as a chronic illness, access to health care for immigrants and migrant workers, and patient safety and the prevention of harm in health care systems. She directed the project that produced the revised and expanded edition of The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life (Oxford University Press, 2013) and is the first author of the new edition. She is also the author of After Harm: Medical Error and the Ethics of Forgiveness (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005). With colleagues at The Hastings Center and the Ethox Centre at Oxford University, she is working with the Centre for Biomedical Ethics at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore to develop Making Difficult Medical Decisions, an innovative web-based ethics casebook for clinicians in Singapore. She teaches ethics at the Yale University School of Nursing and lectures frequently in the U.S. and internationally.

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Reader in Medical Education and Head of Assessment
St George’s, University of London
United Kingdom

Previously Head of Assessment at Barts and the London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry and Associate Dean for Assessment at the School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge. Her research interests cover the assessment of clinical competence, professionalism and standard setting. She has published numerous papers on assessment and standard setting, including the booklet Structured Assessments of Clinical Competence. She advises nationally and internationally on the development and implementation of assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. She was previously Treasurer of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) and chaired the Board of Management of the journals Medical Education and The Clinical Teacher.

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Peter G.M. de JONG, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, Medical Science Educator
(Online journal of International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)), USA and E-Learning Staff Adviser, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.

Peter de Jong is an E-Learning staff adviser at the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands. In this position at the Center for Innovation in Medical Education, he has been managing several major programs within Medical School in the field of development, application and evaluation of educational technologies. Peter has a Master degree in Medical Technology from Eindhoven University and a PhD in Biophysics/Physiology from Maastricht University. He has been a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO), he has been Chair of their national Special Interest Group on E-learning in Medicine and he chaired the 2000 NVMO Annual Meeting. For over five years now, Peter is involved in the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), an international organization with a focus on advancing medical education through faculty development while ensuring that the teaching and learning of medicine continues to be firmly grounded in science. He has served the organization as Vice-President, and in 2009 as Program Chair and Site Host for the first IAMSE Annual Meeting outside North America. Currently he holds the position of Editor-in-Chief of Medical Science Educator, the online journal of IAMSE.

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Michael DUNN, PhD
Ethox Centre, University of Oxford
United Kingdom

Michael Dunn, PhD is a lecturer at the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford. He holds additional appointments as a Research Associate at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, and as a visiting academic consultant at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore. His research interests are in the ethics of health care, social care and research, with a particular focus on the ethics of community-based and long-term health and social care services. Dr Michael Dunn has co-responsibility for delivering the medical ethics and law curriculum to clinical students at the University of Oxford's Medical School, and has published over 25 peer-reviewed papers in the fields of bioethics, medical, social welfare and family law, and health services research. Dr Dunn is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics, is currently a member of both the national Social Care Research Ethics Committee (SCREC) in the UK, and Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust's Clinical Ethics Advisory Group, and is an active participant in three international bioethics consortiums.

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Professional Skills Teaching and Assessment
Sentara Center for Simulation and Immersive Learning
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Gayle Gliva-McConvey is the Director of Professional Skills Teaching and Assessment at the Sentara Center for Simulation and Immersive Learning at Eastern Virginia Medical School.  For 40 years she has developed and integrated the Standardised Patient (SP) methodology in clinical skills assessment and training.  She has over 20 publications on Standardised Patients, presented at over 90 conferences, and conducted workshops in North America, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore and the West Indies. In 1994-1995 she was a Consultant to the China Medical Board of New York City, developing and evaluating new SP programs at three medical institutions in China.  In 1995 – 1999 she was a Consultant to the three medical schools in Puerto Rico to develop SP Programs at the Universidad Central del Carib School of Medicine, Ponce School of Medicine, and the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. In 1999-2002 she was a consultant to Moldova, establishing a clinical skills training program as part of post soviet medical education restructuring.  Since 2011, she has worked collaboratively with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine: National University of Singapore implementing the SP Methodology. Mrs. Gliva-McConvey is past national chairperson for the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Standardised Patients for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and past Convenor for the Southern Special Interest Group on Standardized Patients.   In 1998 she received the first annual award from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) recognizing her contributions in the field of Standardised Patient Educators. She was one of the founding board members of the Association of Standardised Patient Educators (ASPE) and the past chair of the Committee for developing Standards of Practice. She represented ASPE on the Simulation Inventory Advisory Committee with AAMC and the Society of Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and on the SSH Technology/Standards subcommittee as the Standardised Patient expert/consultant and the SSH certification committee's executive committee.  She is currently President of ASPE.

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Michael GUSMANO, PhD
Research Scholar
The Hastings Center, and
Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management
New York Medical College

Michael Gusmano, PhD is research scholar at The Hastings Center, and Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management at New York Medical College. His research interests include politics of health care reform, comparative health systems, health and health care inequalities, and normative theories of policy analysis. His most recent book, Health Care in World Cities (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), documents the implications of national and local health care policies for access to care in New York, London and Paris. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Maryland at College Park and a Masters in public policy from the State University of New York at Albany. He was also post-doctoral fellow in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy program at Yale University (1995-1997). Michael Gusmano is member of the Academy of Management, the American Political Science Association (APSA), the American Public Health Association, the Gerontological Society of America, and he serves as the secretary of APSA’s Organized Section on Health Politics and Policy. He is also on the editorial boards for the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law and Health Economics Policy and Law.

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Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
New Zealand

I currently work as senior lecturer and post-graduate academic advisor at the Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education at the University of Auckland. The Centre provides a suite of post graduate clinical education courses using an online interface. I have facilitated numerous workshops to clinical teachers in New Zealand in relation to developing pragmatic clinical teaching skills. I am actively engaged in research and my specific interests include: quality of life, the motivation to teach and learn, organizational behaviour, conflict management, and professional integrity. My background is in psychology and my PhD was in the area of educational psychology.

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Journal Production
International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)

Julie Hewett, owner of JulNet Solutions, is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelors Degree in Entrepreneurial Management. She has over 25 years of office management experience working with small organizations in the services and manufacturing industries. This broad work experience allowed Julie to develop JulNet Solutions, offering management support services to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and eventually professional non-profit associations. Since 1998 Julie has been involved in IAMSE for Association Management and Meeting Planning. Since 2010 JulNet Solutions also took over the production of IAMSE’s online journal Medical Science Educator.

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Associate Professor of Paediatrics
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY. USA

Dr. Thanakorn Jirasevijinda is currently the Director of Pediatric Undergraduate Medical Education, Associate Director of the Oates Communication Skills Curriculum, and Associate Course Director for the Longitudinal Educational Experience to Advance Patient Partnership (LEAP) Program at Weill Cornell Medical College. His professional interests include cultural competence, clinical skills training, global health, curriculum development and assessment. Dr. Jirasevijinda earned a B.A.S. in Studio Art (Painting) and Biological Sciences at Stanford University in 1990. He obtained his M.D. degree at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in1996, and completed his pediatric internship and residency at The Mount Sinai Hospital Center in New York City in 1999. He has held academic appointments at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in additional to at his current institution.

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Paul Kneath JONES
Programme Director, Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) Programme
Swansea College of Medicine
United Kingdom

Paul is currently the Programme Director for the Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) programme at Swansea College of Medicine in the UK.  He was Deputy Director of Clinical Teaching prior to taking up this post for the GEM course in June 2011.  He has a background in clinical examination and consultation skills teaching.  He also has  a strong background in training, hospital management and leadership, gained primarily from working in senior clinical, advanced practice roles and more recently from running leadership workshops in international conferences in Canada, Ireland, Singapore the UK and Saudi Arabia as well as presenting posters related  to medical education in conferences both in Britain and internationally. His research interests lie predominantly, but not exclusively, in simulation, assessment and innovative teaching methods. Publications include mental workload measurement during student consultations, social learning theory, the predictive value of self assessed clinical skills in medical students and an evaluation of the use of experiential learning in teaching clinical skills to trainee physicians. 

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Clinical Professor
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

Udom Kachintorn is a Clinical Professor and the Dean Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Professor Udom is a gastroenterologist by training. Along with his gastrointestinal professional, one of his main interests is medical education. Professor Udom has been involved markedly in medical education while he served as Assistant Dean for continuing medical education and Chairman Department of Internal Medicine for a total duration of more than 15 years. Currently he takes a leading role in transforming medical curriculum toward system-based learning and 21stcentury medical education at Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. 

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Elizabeth K KACHUR, PhD
Medical Education Development – National & International Consulting
New York, USA

Elizabeth Krajic Kachur, PhD is the founder and director of Medical Education Development, a national and international consulting practice.  Before becoming an independent medical educator 16 years ago, she worked for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Interfaith Medical Center and New York Medical College.   With 33 years of experience in the field and a behavioral science background she is engaged in curriculum and faculty development, trainee assessment and program evaluation; covering all levels of medical training.  Together with colleagues from all over the world Dr. Kachur has been running creativity workshops since 2007.  

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Medical Education Development and Research Centre
Faculty of Medicine
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Dr. Indika Karunathilake is the Director of Medical Education Development And Research Centre (MEDARC), Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dr. Karunathilake has conducted extensive research and authored many publications in medical education. His research interests include simulation-based medical education, assessment, e-learning and curriculum development. Dr. Indika Karunathilake is the editor-in-Chief of the South East Asian Journal of Medical Education (SEAJME). He has been a resource person in Medical Education for many national, regional and international forums. He also serves as the Assistant Secretary of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) and President Elect of the Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME).

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Máire KERRIN BSc, MSc, PhD, C.Psychol.
Director, Work Psychology Group
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

Máire is a Director of the Work Psychology Group, a research led consultancy specialising in assessment, development and innovation. Previously, she was a Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology at City University, London, Senior Consultant with the Institute for Employment Studies, Brighton UK and Lecturer in Organisational Psychology at the University of Nottingham, UK. She retains her academic links and is a Visiting Lecturer at City University where she contributes to the Psychology of Creativity and Innovation module on the Masters in Innovation, Creativity, and Leadership http://creativity.city.ac.uk. A Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Máire has worked with a range of public and private sector organisations including Department of Health, NHS Education for Scotland, the Royal College of Surgeons (Eng), UK National Recruitment Office for General Practice. She has recently co-authored articles on Situational Judgement Tests in Medical Education and International Journal of Selection & Assessment.


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Assistant Professor
Department of Medical Education 
Kyushu University, Japan

Dr. Makoto Kikukawa is the Assistant Professor of the Department of Medical Education, Kyushu University, Japan. He graduated from Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and worked as a general practitioner and a clinician instructor at several hospitals and a clinic. He also worked as a program director of residency program at Komenoyama Hospital. He learned about medical education at Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee from 2009 to 2010. Now he is a PhD student at School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University. He is interested in assessment of clinical teachers, faculty development, teaching and learning.

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Dean of Medical Education
College of Medicine, Swansea University
Wales, United Kingdom

Judy’s current role is Professor and Dean in Medical Education, College of Medicine, Swansea University. Prior to that she worked in New Zealand for four years, both at the University of Auckland and latterly as Pro-Dean, Health and Social Care, Unitec Institute of Technology. Judy initially trained as a nurse and has an academic background in social and health sciences, education and management. She was Director of Undergraduate Medicine at Imperial College London until 2004 and led the curriculum development and implementation of the new undergraduate medical programme at Imperial. In 2004-05, she was a Higher Education Academy Senior Adviser, responsible for developing and implementing the accreditation of professional development programmes and the development of professional standards for teachers in HE. She has worked on international health workforce and education reform projects for DfID, AusAID, the World Bank and WHO in Central Asia, Portugal, Greece, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Australia, China and the Pacific. She has been a reviewer and accreditor for the GMC, QAA, the Higher Education Academy and the Academy of Medical Educators for many years and is a member of ASME Executive and AoME Council. She is Director of ASME’s Educational Leadership programme, writes and publishes widely on medical education and runs clinical leadership and educational development workshops internationally.

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Geoffrey Tobias MILLER
Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences and
Director, Sentara Center for Simulation and Immersive Learning
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Geoffrey Tobias Miller is an Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences, and Director of Simulation, Research and Technology at the Sentara Center for Simulation and Immersive Learning at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) in Norfolk Virginia. Geoff joined EVMS in January of 2011, and is overseeing the expansion of simulation-based educational activities, curriculum development and educational outcomes and translational analysis, with an emphasis on the creation and improvement of operational and clinical competence assessment using advanced educational technology, modeling and simulation, specializing in immersive virtual environments and serious gaming. Previously, Geoff was the Associate Director of Research and Curriculum Development for the Division of Prehospital and Emergency Healthcare at the Michael S. Gordon Center for Research in Medical Education (GCRME), University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

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Nabishah MOHAMAD
Deputy Dean Undergraduate Studies and Alumni
Medical Faculty
University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Medical Centre
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prof Dr. Nabishah Mohamad obtained her medical degree in 1983 and PhD in Physiology in 1991. Her interest in the field of education began when she was awarded WHO Fellowship in 1999 to study education technology at the University of Newcastle, Australia. This was followed by opportunities to pursue  courses on problem-based learning (PBL) in Malaysia and overseas including The United States of America. In 2007, she started interprofessional education (IPE) involving medical and pharmacy students, which was later extended to other health professions. The work on IPE was facilitated by her appointment as Head of UKM strategic research grant in Health Sciences campuses since 2009.

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Georgina Morris

Georgina MORRIS, MA (Cantab), MBBS, MD, MRCP, FHEA
Curriculum Development Lead 
London Office of the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Georgina is a Consultant Physician (Genitourinary and HIV medicine) and Clinical Educator with interests in Curriculum Development and Evaluation. She first became involved in Undergraduate Education whilst working as a Clinical Lecturer at Hull-York Medical School, having gained a Doctorate in the field of HIV Prevention. As Curriculum Development Lead, she is proud to be part of this exciting and innovative international collaboration, gaining first-hand experience of Team-Based Learning whilst completing her MA in Clinical Education.

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Former New Media Director
The Hastings Center

Jacob Moses, BA serves as the designer for the Project’s web based casebook, which has allowed him to explore how interactive experiences can help professionals navigate complex ethical terrain. He was New Media Director at The Hastings Center from 2009 to 2013. In this role he worked on many national outreach and education projects, including a NOVA documentary film for U.S. public television. Mr. Moses has a long-standing interest in design communications across a variety of media. Substantively, his interests lie in the ethics of emerging biotechnology and he has presented and published on a range of issues in bioethics.. He graduated with honors in Science, Technology, and Society from Vassar College (New York) in 2007 and is currently a PhD student in the history of science at Harvard University.

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Yoichi NAGAI
Associate Professor
Niigata University of Health and Welfare

Prof. Yoichi Nagai had been an occupational therapist registered since 1983. He has been dedicated to promote interprofessional education at the university from its beginning, 2001. He is one of the editors of “Development and Practice of IPE in Japan (2012)” and is also one of the translators of the two books on “Effective IPE (2005)”, edited by Barr et al. He has been an active member of IPE promoting committee since 2004. He has been a secretary general of the Japanese Academy of Sensory Integration, as well as a director of the Niigata Occupational Therapists Association.                                             

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Associate Professor
Center for Medical Education
Kyoto University, Japan

Dr. Hiroshi Nishigori is an Associate Professor at the Center for Medical Education, Kyoto University. He graduated from Nagoya University School of Medicine in 1998. He completed his residency training at Maizuru Municipal Hospital in Kyoto (1998-2001) and became a Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (2004) and a Diplomate in Primary Care of the Japan Primary Care Association (2011). He received his training in Medical Education at the Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee and obtained a Masters Degree in Medical Education (2008). He is now teaching history taking and physical examination to medical students, conducting medical education research (action research / qualitative research), and practicing general internal medicine as an active clinician. His research interests include teaching and learning (especially about physical examination), professionalism (especially about work values), and international medical education.

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Center for Medical Education
Graduate School of Medicine
Hokkaido University, Japan

Dr. Junji Otaki is the professor of the Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University. He graduated from Tsukuba University School of Medicine in 1983, and completed his residency training at Kawasaki Medical University Hospital in 1988. While devoting himself to patient care and management of residency program at Tsukuba University Hospital, Dr. Otaki took an opportunity to study at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA, as a visiting research fellow in the field of medical education from 1996 to 1997. He holds a doctorate in Medical Science conferred by Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in 1998. He worked as a clinician educator in the field of primary care at Hokkaido University Hospital for 5 years. From 2002 to 2005, he was appointed Associate Professor at the International Research Center for Medical Education, the University of Tokyo. From 2005 to 2012, he was engaged in teaching residents, medical students and graduate students at Tokyo Medical University. Since 2012, Dr. Otaki has been an acting chairperson of the Center for Medical Education at Hokkaido University. He has been a fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine since 1989, a board member of the Japan Society for Medical Education since 2003 and an executive board member of Japan Primary Care Association since 2010. His interests on research include teaching and learning basic clinical competence, fostering of competent primary care physicians, and international cooperation in the field of medical education.

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Fiona PATTERSON BSc, MSc, PhD, C.Psychol. AcSS, FRCGP
Director, Work Psychology Group
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Fiona began her career as an occupational psychologist at Ford Motor Company (Global) then later as Head of Occupational Psychology for the Boots Corporation Plc. Following completion of her PhD at the University of Nottingham she subsequently held academic positions at the University of Nottingham and then the University of Sheffield, UK. In 2003, Fiona joined City University, London as Professor of Organisational Psychology where she established the Organisational Psychology Group, a teaching and research unit, and became Director of Research for the School of Social Sciences. In 2010, she was appointed Principle Researcher in the Psychology Department at the University of Cambridge. She remains a Visiting Professor at City University and is an Honorary Professor in Medical Education at the University of Nottingham. Fiona is also a Director and founder of the Work Psychology Group, a research-led consulting practice. In May 2012 Fiona was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal College of General Practitioners in recognition of her ongoing contribution to the selection process for GP specialty training. In 2013, she won the ASME Silver Quill Award for the highest impact publication in Medical Education, the leading international journal in this field.

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Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Dr. Ponnamperuma has served as an invited speaker cum resource person in many international symposia and conferences. Author of several journal articles and books, he is a peer reviewer of many international journals. He sits on the editorial boards of three international medical education journals. Gominda, who has served as an advisor, visiting professor and fellow of several academic institutes of repute, has also carried out consultations for educational projects. He is a postgraduate tutor, examiner, and resource material developer for national and international medical education courses. His research interests are on assessment (including selection for training), and curriculum development and evaluation. 

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Nancy Margarita REHATTA
Chairman, Medical Education, Research and Staff Development Unit and Professor and Senior Consultant in Anesthesiology and Reanimation   
Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University

Professor Rehatta obtained her MD in 1976 from the Airlangga University in Indonesia. Following this, she was a specialist in Anesthesiology (Airlangga, 1981), Intensive Care Training (Sydney, 1997), Doctoral Programme (Airlangga, 1999) and a Neuroanesthesia & Neuro Critical Care consultant (Padjajaran, 2004). She also received additional training in the areas of Pain Management and Neuro Critical Care. In the last 10 years, she has been working at the Medical Education, Research and Staff Development Unit at the Medical Faculty in Airlangga University. Prof Rehatta has served as a speaker in seminars and courses, and she is now involved in supervising doctoral candidates who conduct researches in the fields of Medical Education, Pain and Neuroanesthesia and Critical Care.

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Jan-Joost RETHANS, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Director of the CORE (COnsultational and Reflective Skills) Programme,
Director of the Simulated Patient Programme and coordinator of the Master Phase Skillslab programme, Faculty of Health Medicine & Life Sciences (FHML), Maastricht University
The Netherlands

Jan-Joost Rethans studied medicine at Maastricht University. After finishing specialist training in family practice he worked 17 years part-time as a family physician and as a researcher at the Research Institute ‘Extra’ of Maastricht University. During this period he also worked three years in Norway, as a clinician and as a researcher. He has a PhD in Medical Education from Maastricht University (1990, ‘cum laude’- rating). He delivered 7 PhD students who all conducted studies in the field of performance assessment of physicians, mostly using the methodology of incognito standardized patients. In 1998 he joined the Skillslab of FHML, Maastricht University. He was elected as chair (1998-2004) of the Executive Board of the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN). In 2004 he joined the Board of Directors of ASPE (Association of Standardised Patient Educators), where he was initiator and first chair of the Committee ASPE-International. He held positions as visiting professor at Gifu University, Medical Education Development Centre, Japan and at Osaka Medical School, Osaka, Japan (2008). In 2010 he received the Outstanding Educator Award 2010 by ASPE as first person outside North America. In 2011 he was nominated for the Maastricht University Education Award. In 2013 he was awarded as the first Howard S Barrows invited presenter by ASPE. Dr. Rethans is author/co-author of more than 70 publications in international peer reviewed medical journals. The majority of his papers deal with simulated or standardized patient methodology. Jan-Joost Rethans is married with the love of his life and is a proud father of 5 children.

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Professor of Medical Education Director of the Leeds
Institute of Medical Education and Honorary Consultant
Physician, Leeds Acute Hospital Trust
United Kingdom

She has a particular interest in assessment and has published extensively in this area. She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2006. Trudie is President of the Association for Medical Education in Europe and previously Chair of the Association for the Study of Medical Education in the UK.  Until 2012 she was a Council member for the UK regulator the GMC. She still practises in her medical speciality of Clinical Immunology and Allergy.

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Erlyn Aclan SANA
Professor and Dean
INational Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions, University of the Philippines Manila

Erlyn A. Sana holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Philippine Studies and Sociology from the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman. She is currently program manager of the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPEd) degree program offered in NTTCHP, University of the Philippines Manila and the University of Health Sciences, Kingdom of Cambodia campuses. Aside from teaching, Dr. Sana also conducts researches and extension services, the most recent of which is the integration of Tuberculosis-Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Therapy and the International Standards of TB Care in all medical schools of the Philippines.

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Eko Setiawan
B. Pharm., M.Sc in Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy), Apt
Center for Medicine Information and Pharmaceutical Care (CMIPC) – Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya

Eko Setiawan is a clinical pharmacist, graduated from master programme of clinical pharmacy at Faculty of Pharmacy – Mahidol University, Thailand. He is working as medicine information pharmacist at CMIPC and also as a lecturer at Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Surabaya, Indonesia. As a medicine information pharmacist, his main responsibility is providing critically appraised and commercially unbiased medicine information for health professionals and community. He was also trained to be a trainer in communication skills training for pharmacists in some courses conducted in conjunction with Maastricht University The Netherlands (2010 and 2011). He is now providing communication skills courses in collaboration with the Provincial Ministry of Health, East Java, Indonesia.

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James Stratford-Martin

Deputy Curriculum Development Lead 
London Office of the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Imperial College London
United Kingdom

James is a Principal General Practitioner in West London and Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow at Imperial College School of Medicine. James has been teaching medical students and doctors in London for more than 10 years and in addition to his work on curriculum development for LKCMedicine he is the trainer of registrars on the Imperial GP training scheme. He has been involved in teacher training at Imperial College and the London Deanery and works closely with clinicians and educators in both London and Singapore. Since 2011 he has been Deputy Curriculum Development Lead at the London Office of the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.

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Astrid Pratidina SUSILO, MD, MPH
Faculty of Medicine Mulawarman University

Astrid Pratidina Susilo was trained as a physician in the Faculty of Medicine at Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia. She has a master degree in public health and doctoral degree in health professionas education from Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Her main research interest is communication skills training for health professional in Southeast Asian context. She has provided courses in communication skills for physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in different health care and academic institutions in Indonesia. Astrid is currently involved in teaching and curriculum development in the Faculty of Medicine at Mulawarman University and Faculty of Pharmacy at University of Surabaya.

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Professor, Department of Internal Medicine and Office of Educational Development
Medical Director, Office of Clinical Simulation
University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Szauter joined the University of Texas Medical Branch faculty in 1990 and has developed her career as a clinician-educator.  Her clinical work is in gastroenterology, and she serves as Co-director for the medical students’ Internal Medicine clinical clerkship.   She also serves as the Medical Director for the Office of Clinical Simulation, supporting the application of human patient simulation in teaching and assessment.    Her research interests are focused on clinical skills development and on aspects of  professional development.  She has maintained an active role in several national organisations including the Association of Standardised Patient Educators where she is a member of the Grants and Research Committee.

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Assistant Professor
Center for Medical Education,
Kyoto University, Japan

Dr Yuka Urushibara is currently an Assistant Professor in the Center for Medical Education, Kyoto University. She graduated from Niigata University in 2007 and completed her residency training at Jichi Medical University Hospital. As a resident of the Department of General Medicine, she had been involved in the development of an interactive, problem-based clinical reasoning training program as a part of the core curriculum in undergraduate medical education at Jichi Medical University from 2010 to 2012. She also practices as a family medicine resident and has a special interest in self-directed learning, self-assessment, small-group learning and community-based medical education.

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Jan van Dalen, PhD
Skillslab, Maastricht University
The Netherlands

Jan van Dalen (1951) is responsible for the teaching and assessment of communication skills for undergraduate medical students at the Skillslab, FHML, Maastricht University. He coordinates staff training programmes for teachers of the Communication and Reflection (CORE) programme FHML and for Skillslab staff. He supervises PhD students in curriculum innovation, doctor-patient communication in intercultural perspective and the acquisition of (communication) skills. Between 2001 and 2012 he was the director of the MHPE programme. He is editor of Perspectives in Medical Education and Advances in Health Sciences Education. He is an international consultant for curriculum innovation and skills training.

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Engagement & Advancement)
The Chancellery
Macquarie University

Professor David Wilkinson has been Deputy Vice Chancellor (Corporate Engagement and Advancement) at Macquarie University for 6 months. He is responsible for domestic student recruitment, marketing, brand development, the University Foundation, and alumni, as well as corporate partnerships, and supporting the Vice Chancellor with strategy around the Macquarie University Hospital and the medical school. In the 1980s, David trained in medicine at The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (UK) where he also graduated with a degree in pharmacology supported by a UK Medical Research Council scholarship. Moving to rural South Africa for a year as a young doctor in a mission hospital, he stayed for a decade and his life was transformed. During that time David also studied tropical medicine at the University of Liverpool, UK and graduated with a Masters degree from Columbia University, USA, on a Fogarty Fellowship supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). David's clinical and research work in rural Africa, through a Senior Scientist role with the South African Medical Research Council led to the creation of what is now one of Africa's largest research centres funded by the Wellcome Trust, with grants from NIH, World Health Organisation and others. His research, into tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections, produced 3 doctoral degrees, and he has published well over 200 papers in leading journals. This work was also recognised by the Royal College of Physicians in London awarding him an honorary Fellowship in recognition of 'distinguished contributions to medicine'. Moving to Australia in 1999 David became founding Chair of Rural Health at the University of Adelaide and University of South Australia, before becoming Pro Vice Chancellor Health Sciences at the University of South Australia. In 2004 he was recruited to The University of Queensland, becoming Dean of Medicine between 2006 and 2013. A significant achievement of his tenure was the creation of an innovative medical degree delivered in Brisbane and New Orleans, USA and positioning of the School as a truly global medical school. David has held numerous board and council roles including 6 years on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, board membership of General Practice Education and Training, and chairmanship of a biotech start up that is commercialising a novel transdermal drug delivery technology. He recently completed a yearlong National Senior Teaching Fellowship supported by the Office of Learning and Teaching, and in 2014 he takes up a Fulbright Senior Scholarship at the University of California, San Francisco. He also continues to practice clinical medicine, and loves to play golf.

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Zubair AMIN
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and
Consultant Neonatologist
National University Hospital
National University Health System, Singapore

Dr Amin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics in Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and Senior Consultant Neonatologist in National University Hospital. Dr Amin obtained his Master in Health Profession Education (MHPE) from University of Illinois at Chicago, USA in 1998. His immediate past appointments include Deputy Head, Clinical, for Medical Education Unit at the School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. He also served as Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment for six years at School of Medicine where he oversaw review of entire medical undergraduate curriculum.

His interests in medical education are in faculty development, assessment, and international medical education. He is the lead author/editor of three books: Basics in Medical Education, Profiles of Asian Medical Schools: Part I Southeast Asia, and A Practical Guide on Student Assessment. In addition, he has authored many chapters on medical education books published internationally. He is the member of editorial team of Medical Education Online, Anatomical Sciences Education, and Education Research International and member of international advisory board of Perspectives of Medical Education.

He has led an interdisciplinary team to develop a set of consensus statements and recommendations for use of technology in assessment. He is a panel member of ASPIRE (International Recognition of Excellence in Medical Education) and a member of Association of Medical Education in Europe’s (AMEE) Research Task Force. He has conducted faculty development programme in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Iran, Jordan, Japan, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, and Italy. Recently, he served as a reviewer for the prestigious Karolinska Instituet Prize for Research in Medical Education, 2012 (KIPRME 2012). He is the recipient of University Teaching Excellence Award, the National University of Singapore (2006) and Friends of the Medical Students Award (2008) by the Medical Society, National University of Singapore. 


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Marion M AW
Associate Professor
Department of Paediatrics
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Dr Aw is an Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM), National University of Singapore and a Consultant Paediatrician in the Department of Paediatrics, National University Hospital. Her area of clinical expertise is in paediatric gastrointestinal disease, hepatology and liver transplantation. She is actively involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, with an interest in the teaching of clinical skills and assessment. She has previously chaired the Final MBBS OSCE Committee for the YLLSoM. Currently, Dr Aw is the Program Director for Paediatric Residency Training at the National University Health System (NUHS), as well as co-chair of the NUHS Graduate Medical Education Evaluation Subcommittee.

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Alastair V. CAMPBELL ThD, CorrFRSE
Chen Su Lan Centennial Professor in Medical Ethics
Director, Centre for Biomedical Ethics
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System

Alastair V. Campbell ThD, CorrFRSE is the Director of CBmE. Prior to this, he was Professor of Ethics in Medicine in the Medical School of the University of Bristol and Director of its Centre for Ethics in Medicine. He is a former President of the International Association of Bioethics. With keen interest in classical music, reading and skiing, Professor Campbell is also a prolific writer with more than 30 books and book chapters as well as dictionary entries to his name; and many more articles in refereed journals. Recent books include Health as Liberation (Pilgrim Press, 1995) Medical Ethics, 4th Edition, co-authored with Grant Gillett and Gareth Jones (Oxford University Press, 2005) and The Body in Bioethics (Routledge-Cavendish, 2009). He was until recently a member of the Medical Ethics Committee of the British Medical Association and Chairman of the Ethics and Governance Council of UK Biobank. In 1999, Professor Campbell was given the prestigious Henry Knowles Beecher award, which recognizes his lifetime of contribution to ethics and the life sciences, and his excellence in scholarship, research and ethical inquiry. He is also Honorary Vice-President of the Institute of Medical Ethics, UK and an elected Fellow of The Hastings Center, New York. Professor Campbell is a member of the Bioethics Advisory Committee to the Singapore Government, of the National Medical Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health. He is also a Board Member of the Health Sciences Authority of Singapore and National Medical Research Council.

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CHAN Yiong Huak
Head, Biostatistics Unit
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System, Singapore

Yiong Huak received his PhD in Mathematics from University of Newcastle, Australia and is currently the head of the Biostatistics Unit in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He is actively involved in conducting research and statistical courses to help researchers in their aims of publication and to enhance their understanding of reading published articles. He serves as the Specialty (Biostatistics) editor for the Singapore Medical Journal.

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Nicholas Wuen Ming CHEW
Adjunct Associate Professor
Senior Consultant and Deputy Head
Department of Psychological Medicine
Tan Tock Seng Hospital and
Designated Institutional Official
NHG-AHPL Residency

Adjunct A/Prof Nicholas Chew is Senior Consultant and Deputy Head, Department of Psychological Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He started a Post Stroke Depression management programme - “Effective Mood Management After Stroke” in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Medicine Department and the “HIV Psychiatry Programme” with the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Dr Chew is the Designated Institutional Official of the NHG-AHPL Residency and the Lead for Psychiatry at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. He has received numerous teaching awards and has recently completed the Massachusetts General Hospital - Institute of Health Professions Masters of Science in Health Professions Education under a Health Manpower Development Programme award.

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Jacqueline CHIN, DPhil
Assistant Professor, Centre for Biomedical Ethics
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System

Jacqueline Chin, DPhil is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics (CBmE), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. A former Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, she has led several grant-funded projects, including CENTRES (since 2009), a Ministry of Health-funded programme for networking and building up clinical ethics committees in Singapore’s restructured hospitals; and What Doctors Say About Care of the Dying, an empirical ethics study of doctors’ perspectives on end-of-life decisions (2010–2011) aimed at informing professional stakeholders, policymakers and the public, and funded through a gift to NUS by the Lien Foundation. She was a member of a NMEC subcommittee which produced a Guide for Healthcare Professionals on the Ethical Handling of Communication in Advance Care Planning (National Medical Ethics Committee, Singapore: 2010); and serves on the National Transplant Ethics Panel of Laypersons. Her recent publications include ‘Integration of palliative and supportive cancer care in Asia’ in the Lancet Oncology (2012), and ‘Transplant tourism or international transplant medicine? A case for making the distinction’ in the American Journal of Transplantation (2012). Jacqueline is an elected Board Member of the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, and the International Association of Bioethics.

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Wai Keung CHUI
Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Associate Professor Wai Keung CHUI received the degree of B.Sc.(Pharmacy)Honours from the NUS. He obtained his PhD degree in Medicinal Chemistry from Aston University in the UK. He is a registered pharmacist with the Singapore Pharmacy Council. He is currently one of the five co-chairpersons of the NUS Interprofessional Education Steering Committee. He has played key leadership role in the review and modernization of pharmacy education and pre-registration pharmacist training programme in Sinagpore. He has received accolades in teaching excellence at the NUS. He was awarded the Ishidate Award for Pharmaceutical Education at the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association Congress in 2012.

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Assistant Professor (Drama)
Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group
National Institute of Education

Jane Gilmer is Assistant Professor (Drama) in the Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. She trained in speech and drama for four years in the early 1980s in the techniques of Michael Chekhov and Rudolf Steiner. Her doctoral thesis (1999 – Murdoch University, Western Australia) consists of a performance of Shakespeare's Hamlet that toured internationally together with a written work that explored the philosophical and psychoanalytic content in the play and its effects on modern audiences. In 2008 Jane qualified as a psychotherapist (Metavision Institute, Australia) and is now working on developing a process of therapy using theatre and the creative word as integral elements in the healing process. Her current performance research consists of a solo performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Her theory based research entails a book exploring actor training and alchemy. In her book 'The Alchemical Actor' The Tempest will be critiqued as an example of an alchemical drama.

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Esther C L GOH
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Esther C L Goh is an assistant professor with the Department of Social Work of the NUS. Dr Goh’s passion in teaching and the impact of her teaching on her students can be seen through the numerous teaching awards she won at the faculty and University levels. Her pedagogical scholarship does not confine to social work but also cross-disciplinary education which is reflected in her recent joint publication: Goh, E. C. L., & Hsu, C.-Y. S. (in press). Assessing short and long term educational impact of visits to hospice via a combination of qualitative methods. European Journal of Dental Education.

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GOH Poh Sun
MBBS(Melb), FRCR(UK), FAMS(Singapore), MHPE(Maastricht)
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
National University Hospital
National University Health System

Your host for the 11th APMEC, representing the organising committee and extremely dedicated team from the Medical Education Unit (MEU), NUS. 24/20/12: years of experience as a clinical radiologist/educator/technology enhanced learning practitioner.

"Passions - Technology enhanced learning, Education, Radiology. Technology as a tool, platform and enabler to support and augment face to face customised teaching and learning; with educational principles as the foundation; and radiology as my academic and clinical focus."

http://sg.linkedin.com/pub/poh-sun-goh/22/45b/b16 (LinkedIn profile)
http://www.slideshare.net/dnrgohps (Education presentations and papers)

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GOH Siang Hiong
Associate DIO, SingHealth Residency
Changi General Hospital

 Associate Professor Goh Siang Hiong is an Emergency Medicine Senior Consultant and is currently the Deputy Chairman Medical Board for Ambulatory Disciplines and also Medical Education at Changi General Hospital. He has a deep interest in EM medical education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has more than 18 years of Emergency Medicine Practice, and also presently an instructor for BCLS, ACLS, ATLS (Provider & Instructor course), HazMat Life Support and Fundamental Critical Care Course. He has been selected before as Best Teacher (Ambulatory Division) and also been awarded the SingHealth GCEO Excellence award for Medical Education. He is currently overlooking the CGH residency-training programs as its Associate DIO.

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Raymond GOY
Director, NUHS Anaesthesia Residency Program
Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia
National University Health System

 Associate Professor Raymond Goy graduated from NUS Medical School in 1995 and obtained his postgraduate certification (Master of Medicine Anaesthesia, Singapore as well as Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) in 2003. He specialises in Obstetric Anaesthesia and has completed subspecialty training in King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth Western Australia. A/Prof Raymond Goy has coordinated and directed many of the Anaesthesia teaching courses, including the Supervisors' courses. He has taught in every MMed Anaesthesia Primary & Final Examinations Preparatory Course since 2004 and participated in teaching trainees overseas as well.

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Charles A. GULLO, PhD
Deputy Course Director for Phase I
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Nanyang Technological University

After a productive career as a cancer immunologist and research scientist, I became very excited about medical pedagogy and teaching avenues that maximize student engagement.  This excitement came when I joined the Duke NUS GMS as a member of the faculty in the implementation Team Based Learning.  I have become an expert in the delivery of TBL and in the facilitation of student-centric teaching activities.  Besides my role as a facilitator and trainer, I also act as a co-course director of several medical education modules.  I have recently joined the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and am assisting them in the implementation of TBL. 

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Matthew C. E. GWEE
Professorial Fellow and
Chairman, International & Education Programmes
Medical Education Unit, Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System, Singapore

Professor Gwee is currently a Professorial Fellow and Chairman, International and Education Programmes in the Medical Education Unit of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and a Fellow of the NUS Teaching Academy. Professor Gwee also serves on numerous local, regional and international committees, Advisory Boards as well as Editorial Boards, including Medical Teacher, Medical Education and the International Journal of Medical Education. Professor Gwee has been invited as speaker/panelist for several gold standard meetings in medical education in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Professor Gwee is a pioneer in the field of medical education in Singapore. He received the prestigious MILES Award in the 3rd Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2006 in recognition of his many contributions to Mentoring, Innovation and Leadership in Educational Scholarship.

Professor Gwee has also served: as a Member of the University Committee on Educational Policy for three terms; as Associate Director, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (1997-2006); as a Foundation Member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of NUS; as the inaugural Co-Chairman of the Nursing Curriculum Committee, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies; as Vice-Dean (1980-1992), and as Head of the Department of Pharmacology (1987-1997) as well as Chairman of the PBL Committee (2000-2006) in the then Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Professor Gwee has served as a Member of the Management Committee of the Association for Medical Education in Asia, and also as a Member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators. 

Professor Gwee was recently invited by Nova Publications to contribute a Chapter in the book “Medical Education: Global Perspectives, Challenge, Opportunities” to be published this year. Professor Gwee, together with Dujeepa Samarasekera and Tan Chay Hoon contributed the chapter “Globalisation of Medical Education: An Asian Perspective.” Among his other publications, Professor Gwee also published two key papers in Special Issues to commemorate the centenary year (2010) of the Flexner Report in the Journal of Medical Education (“Medical and Health Care Professional Education in the 21st Century: Institutional, National and Global Perspectives”) and the Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (“Role of Basic Medical Sciences in 21st Century Medical Education.”).

Professor Gwee and his two colleagues have also been invited by the Association of Medical Education for Europe to contribute to the writing a Guide on “Contextualising Assessment in the Basic Medical Sciences.”

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Cindy Hia Ping Ping
Senior Consultant
Department of Paediatrics
National University Hospital
National University health System

Dr Cindy Hia is a paediatrician with a special interest in paediatric cardiology. She is involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. She is mainly involved in bedside teaching of undergraduate students. She helps out with the postgraduate training in the NUHS Paediatric Residency Program and also helps to co-ordinate the curriculum for the residents across specialties in the hospital.

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Calvin HO, JSD, MSc
Assistant Professor
Centre for Biomedical Ethics
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Dr Calvin Ho is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), and Research Associate with The Ethox Centre, University of Oxford. He holds a doctorate in juridical science from Cornell University, and was also trained in law at NUS and University of Cambridge. In addition, he is also trained in anthropology, sociology and economics. He recently co-edited (with Professor Terry Kaan) the monograph Genetic Privacy: An Evaluation of the Ethical and Legal Landscape (Imperial College Press, 2013).

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HO Chih Wei Sally
Family Physician, Consultant, Program Director (Family Medicine), SingHealth Residency and Assistant Director, Education, SingHealth Polyclinics

Dr Sally Ho is Program Director of SingHealth Family Medicine Residency and Assistant Director, Education at SingHealth Polyclinics. She has been actively involved in teaching YLL undergraduates, Duke-NUS graduate students as well as MMed and Fellowship programs. She has a special interest in assessments and has been examiner and organising chair of the MMed Family Medicine Exams. She worked with our healthcare institutions and ACGME-I in the setup of residency programs in Singapore during her work at the Ministry of Health. She is a member of the Family Physicians Accreditation Board and chairs the Accreditation Subcommittee. She is also a member of ACGME International Review Committee, MOH Medical Education Coordinating Committee and Medical Licensing Examination Test Design Workgroup.

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HOR Chuen Yee
Standardised Patient Educator
Centre for Healthcare Simulation
NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System

Chuen Yee is a nurse by practice.  She attained her RN qualification in 1998 and has since practiced clinical nursing in SGH, research nursing in KKHWCH and NUHS.  She has assisted in mock exam practice sessions and multiple exams as a standardized patient since 2007.  She is currently the Standardised Patient Educator for Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She taps on her past experience in clinical nursing and as a standardized patient to plan and build an effective NUS Standardised Patient Program. Her research nursing background enables her to explore the ethical use of standardized patients in teaching and examination sessions in NUS. She also works with other faculties outside the medical school to promote the use of SPs. She has a particular interest in standardised patient training and scenario crafting for medical and nursing students. She is a member of the Association of Standardised Patient Educators (ASPE).

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Stephen HSU Chin-Ying
Associate Professor
Department of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Associate Professor Hsu Chin-ying Stephen is a paediatric dentist dually trained in dental public health. His PhD work was on the mechanisms involved in applying light energy to transform tooth structure for the prevention of dental decays. His work on caries risk assessment/prediction with biopsychosocial modeling has won international awards. To help dental students keeping their moral compass and becoming caring clinicians, he has been bringing the final-year students to interact and learn from the terminally-ill patients in the Dover Park Hospice since 2003. The reflection papers of students and the 2008 and 2011 questionnaire surveys confirmed the significant development and learning of students in the personal, professional, social and spiritual domains. Besides two educational awards conferred by IADR-SEAADE, A/P Hsu has seen through this program the dramatic changes of life value and learning attitude of the dental students, including one top student giving up a job offer with 5-time salary and the other choosing the least lucrative clinical specialty in order to serve the disables and terminally-ill patients. In 2011-12, A/P Hsu received a CDTL educational grant, together with Dr. Esther Goh, to characterise the mid-/long-term impacts of the hospice program on students graduated at least 4 years ago. Presented in this talk are some of the qualitative findings generated through focus group discussions.

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Associate Professor
NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System

Roy teaches and examines medical undergraduates and postgraduates in Paediatrics and Neonatology. He is a consultant neonatologist and directs the Post Graduate Education Programme of the NUHS Department of Neonatology and is also the Core faculty in Neonatology in the Paediatric Residency Programme. Dr Joseph serves in the Medical school’s Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and interest and experience in curriculum development and assessment particularly in paediatrics, medical ethics and professionalism.  

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Predeebha KANNAN
Deputy Director, Clinical Services/Family Medicine Development
National Healthcare Group Polyclinics

Dr Predeebha obtained her MBBS (NUS) in 1988, and MMed Public Health (NUS), 1996. She has a post-graduate diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)  NTU, 2006 and an  Essential Skills for Medical Education (ESME) certificate in 2011/12. As Deputy Director in both Clinical Services/Family Medicine Development Divisions, NHGP and an adjunct trainer at Primary Care Academy, she performs  administrative and policy work in infection control, pandemic planning and vaccination, contributes to interprofessional collaborative practice initiatives and conducts in-house health professional training.  She is passionately hopeful that interprofessional education and collaborative practice will improve cooperation and synergy among healthcare professionals to ultimately benefit patients.

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Adobe Systems

Associate Professor
Department of Physiology
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Sanjay Khanna is an Associate Professor at Department of Physiology, NUS, where he is active in education and research. He is also the Deputy Head of the Department. He received his PhD from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 1990 and joined NUS in 1994 as a Lecturer after a spell of postdoctoral work at University of California, Los Angeles (USA), and University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia). His effort in education is focused on enhancing student-centric teaching so as to facilitate class-room and long-distance learning among students. He is particularly interested in the use of technology to meet the educational goals.

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KHOO See Meng
Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
National University Health System

Dr. Khoo See Meng is a senior consultant at the division of respiratory and critical care medicine, University Medicine Cluster (UMC). He serves as the director of the internal medicine residency program at the National University Health System (NUHS). Dr. Khoo is the recipient of the UMC Best Teacher Awards, UMC Mentorship Award and NUH Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award. Dr. Khoo is active in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, and has special interest in curriculum development and effective learning behaviours of residents.

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Nien Yue KOH
Senior Consultant
Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Dr Koh Nien Yue is the Programme Director of the National Healthcare Group Internal Medicine Residency Programme since 2010. She is trained in Internal Medicine, and is a Senior Consultant with the Department of General Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

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Assistant Professor
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Dr Yanika Kowitlawakul received her PhD in Nursing in 2008, from George Mason University, Virginia, USA. Her professional experiences have included critical care nursing and clinical teaching. Dr Kowitlawakul has been working as an Assistant Professor at Alice Lee Nursing Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, since July 2011. She has been involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate nursing programmes. Her research areas of interest are patient safety, particularly in critical care units, and health information technology.

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Fatimah LATEEF
Associate Professor
Singapore General Hospital

Associate Professor Fatimah Lateef is Senior Consultant, Director of Undergraduate Training and Education as well  as Director of Clinical Service and Quality at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and Yong Loo Lin Medical School, National University of Singapore. She teaches part-time at the School of Health Sciences, Nanyang Polytechnic. Her area of sub-specialisation include Prehospital Care Medicine, Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Emergencies. She has worked in various countries including both the UK and USA and served as an International Consultant to MaxHealthcare, India. A strong advocate of life long learning and empowerment, she has presented more than 500 abstracts at international conferences and published over 120 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. She leads various leadership groups, grooming youths and doctors to excel, which is also befitting her role as a core faculty, nurturing residents in Emergency Medicine. She is an active volunteer in the area of International Humanitarian Medicine and Acute Disaster Response, where she has led teams to countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Myammar, Africa, Indonesia, China for a variety of causes and assistance. For her work in the various fields, she has been conferred awards such as  Young Investigator’s Award (1998), Excellent Scientific Publication Award (2001), Best Teacher Award (2002), Laerdal Visiting Lectureship Award (2003), Courage Award (2004), National Healthcare Humanity Award (2005), The Outstanding Young Person  of Singapore (2006), Good Mentor Award, Singhealth (2005), The Outstanding Young Person of the World Award (2006), Woman for Peace Award, Sokka Gakkai International, (2007), Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, NUS (2008),  Singapore Medical Journal Recognition Award for Review with Distinction, (2007-2012), Critical talent Retention Award, SingHealth and The Academy of Medicine, Gold Reviewer Award( 2011) amongst others. She continues to work full time, with a fulfilling career in Emergency Medicine, balancing clinical work with research and education, as well as her political and community responsibilities as an elected Member of Parliament in Singapore. She has participated in two General Elections and runs one of the largest constituencies in Singapore.  For recreation, Fatimah enjoys  mountain climbing, cooking, reading and she has completed 15 full marathons.

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LIAW Sok Ying
Assistant Professor
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Sok Ying is a registered nurse and an Assistant Professor at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (ALCNS), National University of Singapore (NUS). She is also the Associate Director at the Centre of Healthcare Simulation, NUS. She completed her PhD in Health Professional Education at the Masstricht University. She has been involved in a number of educational initiatives at ALCNS, including the development and implementation of simulation evaluation tools, Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE), simulation-based interprofessional education and virtual patient simulation. She has published several papers on simulation education and presented widely on simulation in international conferences

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Assistant Professor and Senior Consultant
Program Director
Department of Radiation Oncology
National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS)
National University Health System

Dr Keith Lim is a senior consultant in the department of radiation oncology at the National University Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He is also an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore and a visiting consultant to the National Neuroscience Institute. Dr Lim's sub-specialty interests are in breast, central nervous system and prostate cancer, where he has pioneered the use of CT guided high dose rate prostate brachytherapy in Singapore. He has published in peer reviewed journals, written book chapters and has been awarded $2 million dollars in competitive grant funding as either principal investigator or co-investigator. Dr Lim is the Director of Training for radiation oncology for the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS) and is a member of Training Networks Directors Committee for the RANZCR as well as the Residency Advisor Committee for Radiation Oncology, Singapore. He presently is the co-chairman of the NUS Interprofessional Education Committee and the academic lead for the Yong Lu Lin School of Medicine's Longitudinal Patient Experience. He was the vice-president of the Singapore Society of Oncologists from 2008 to 2010.

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Siriwan LIM
Assistant Professor
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Ms Siriwan Lim received her Master of Healthscience (Education) in 2009 from University of Sydney. She has more than a decade of nursing experiences working in the acute hospitals as a critical care nurse, clinical instructor and infection control practitioner.  Siriwan has spent several years teaching nursing education at certificate and diploma level prior to joining Alice Lee Nursing Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore as a Senior Lecturer in 2013. Her research areas of interest are patient safety, nursing education and clinical practice.

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Vice-Dean Education
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore and United Kingdom<

Naomi is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London. She combined her specialist clinical training with educational research and curriculum development. In 2008 she became the UK’s first Walport Clinical Lecturer in Medical Education and in 2011 she was awarded a Masters in Surgical Education from Imperial College London (ICL). Having undertaken curriculum design initiatives for ICL and for the Royal College of Obstetricians, Naomi has had a key role in curriculum development for the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, initially as Curriculum Development lead, and since April 2013 as Vice-Dean Education.

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Chairman Professionalism Committee
Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Professor Paul Macneill is the Chairman of the Professionalism Committee in the National University Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and on staff in the Centre for Biomedical Ethics. He is a Professor (Honorary Associate) of the Centre for Values, Ethics & the Law in Medicine, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. He is a former President of the Australasian Bioethics Association. Paul is the Co-ordinator of the Arts Bioethics Network within the International Association of Bioethics; was an organiser of the Arts and Bioethics program in the 9th World Congress of Bioethics in Croatia (2008); and an organiser of arts events in the 10th World Congress of Bioethics in Singapore (2010). His recent publications include ‘The arts and medicine: a challenging relationship’; ‘Art and bioethics: shifts in understanding across genres’. His book Art and Ethics (Springer) should be published early in 2014. The book includes explorations of theatre, performance and ethics.

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Deputy Director, Technology in Medicine
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Nanyang Technological University

Jason is an educationalist, with a PhD in regenerative medicine from Imperial College London.  He is part of the TBL facilitators team at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and has over 10-years experience in university and secondary school teaching, having taught engineering, science and mathematics. Currently Deputy Director, Technology in Medicine, Jason is driving the development of new teaching tools and technologies.  His primary research interest focus is on developing simulation technologies to support the high-fidelity simulation experience focusing on the patient experience. Other areas of research focus include: assessing the impact of technology on learning, science communication and educational outreach.

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Mara Head Shot when you open it Aug 2011

Assistant Dean of Student Life
Assistant Professor, Medical Education Research and Evaluation
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Dr McAdams is a board certified internal medicine doctor who trained at New York University-Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City.  She received her undergraduate degree from Yale University.  Dr McAdams moved to Singapore with her family in 2004 and joined Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in June 2007. At Duke-NUS, Dr McAdams is Medical Director of the Clinical Performance Centre (CPC) which houses the Simulation Labs and operates the Standardised Patient (SP) Program.  Dr McAdams is part of the teaching faculty of the Clinical Skills course and runs the medical school’s clinical assessments program.  Most recently, Dr McAdams took on the role of Assistant Dean of Student Life. Dr McAdams’s areas of interest and research are doctor-patient communication skills, SP-based assessment, simulation-based education, student wellness and professionalism.

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YN 2013

Yvonne NG
Director (Education)
National Healthcare Group, Singapore

Ms Yvonne Ng is the Director of Education at the National Healthcare Group (NHG) overseeing Graduate Medical Education, pre-employment health professions education, and education development.  Working closely with the Designated Institutional Office (DIO) of NHG Residency, the Dy Group CEO (Education and Research) of NHG and NHG Educators, Yvonne plays a pivotal role in setting up and growing the quality health professions education system in NHG.

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Nicola NGIAM
Consultant Paediatrician
NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Health System

Dr Nicola Ngiam graduated from the National University of Singapore and subsequently attained higher academic qualifications in the Masters of Medicine in Paediatrics (NUS) and MRCPCH (UK). She received postgraduate training in the field of Paediatric Critical Care at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. She is currently the Director of the Standardised Patient Program, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore as well as a consultant in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children’s Medical Institute, National University Health System. She is actively involved in undergraduate paediatric education as well as programs for paediatric postgraduate students and nurses in the field of paediatric acute care. She has a special interest in the field of standardised patient training, communication skills and the use of simulation-based teaching methods.            

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Terry Pan - PP

Terry PAN
Department of Anaesthesia
National University Health System

Dr Pan graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW Australia in 1999. He completed his specialist training in Anaesthesia and has been a fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) since 2009. Dr Pan has keen interest in the use of simulation in medical education and has attended foundation courses at WISER institute, Pittsburgh, USA. He is currently involved in teaching medical students and postgraduate anaesthesia trainees. He is also interested in Crisis Resourcement Management in Anaesthesia and Team Training for healthcare professionals. His clinical interests include general paediatric and liver transplant anaesthesia.

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Assistant Professor
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Senior Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department, National University Health System

Dr Peng is a Senior Consultant with the Emergency Medicine Department, National University Health System and an Assistant Professor with Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Hospital.  She obtained her medical (MBBS) degree from the National University of Singapore followed by postgraduate degree in Emergency Medicine (FRCSEd A&E). Dr Peng has been the Program Director for NUHS Emergency Medicine Residency Program since its inception in 2010. She has been involved in all aspects of EM education including national EM curriculum planning, EM Exit Examination, MCEM exam preparation course, ultrasound curriculum & competency assessment. Her other areas of clinical interests include Emergency Radiology & Airway Management. In 2012, Dr Peng was awarded the NUH Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award.  


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Associate Professor/ Senior Consultant
Emergency Medicine Department
National University Hospital, National University Health System
Centre for Healthcare Simulation
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Associate Professor Pillai is a specialist Senior Consultant Emergency Physician in the National University Hospital and is also the Director of the Centre for Healthcare Simulation at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLL SoM). He has been instrumental in reviewing medical simulation training in YLL SoM by developing new simulation programmes that integrate into existing curricula. Over the past few years, he has developed and introduced simulation training as an integral part of medical undergraduate training in YLL SoM. He is also actively involved in undergraduate medical education at several other levels and formulated the first Undergraduate Emergency Medicine Programme. His pet interests are in competency and procedural skills training, crisis resource management, patient safety simulation, Professionalism training and Life Support training for which he serves as the Basic Cardiac Life Support Director. He is also a Core Faculty of the Emergency Medicine Residency Programme in the National University Hospital, Singapore.  His clinical interests are in Toxicology and Management of Poisoning and he provides consultations in various aspects of management of a poisoned patient. He is also a consultant to the Ministry of Health (MOH) and is involved in planning and policy making in Emergency Preparedness and Mass Casualty Incident Management. He has formulated national protocols for the medical management of radiation casualties and serves as an expert advisor on radiation injuries to MOH. He has also been actively involved in several overseas humanitarian disaster relief missions.


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Kenneth PINTO
Educational Technologist
National University of Singapore

Kenneth Pinto is an Educational Technologist at the NUS Centre for Instructional Technology. His areas of focus include the use of social media and mobile technologies in education. He administers Turnitin in NUS for plagiarism prevention. Most recently, he has been active in conceptualizing and producing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera, in collaboration with NUS educators.                                                                

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Description: Ruban

Senior Consultant and Deputy Head
Department of Anaesthesiology
Singapore General Hospital

Ruban is currently a senior consultant and deputy head with the department of Anaesthesiology at Singapore General Hospital. He is also a member of the cardiothoracic anaesthesia service and lung transplantation team at the National Heart Centre. Ruban has been involved in developing and overseeing postgraduate anaesthesiology training in Singapore for the last 10 years. He was appointed the Program Director for the SingHealth Anaesthesiology Residency Program in 2010.  

His interest includes thoracic anaesthesia, airway management and medical education.


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Head of Faculty Development
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Nanyang Technological University

Preman is an advocate of active learning and a teacher with wide-ranging experience. He has taught topics in engineering, science and critical thinking, and is adept at designing curriculum for both Problem-Based Learning and Team-Based Learning. He has been actively involved in teacher training and has worked with faculty at Singapore's two newest medical schools, local polytechnics and hospitals. Since 2012 he has been leading Faculty Development at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and is excited to be contributing towards its pioneering curriculum and pedagogy.

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Clinical Professor
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Alexandrahealth

Professor Rajasoorya is an Endocrinologist and an Internist at Alexandrahealth.  He is Clinical Professor at YLL School of Medicine NUS, Adjunct Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School and serves part time at the Ministry of Health involved in various national committees advising on matters related to undergraduate and postgraduate education in Singapore.  He chaired the committee that drew up the National Medical Undergraduate Curriculum setting standards across all three medical schools in Singapore and currently Chairs the Competency Workgroup of the National Postgraduate Year 1 Assessment Committee. He is the recipient of the inaugural Clinician Educator National Medical Excellence Award in 2011 amongst many other awards.

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Deputy Head, Medical Education Unit
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Dujeepa Samarasekera is the Deputy Head, Medical Education Unit, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining NUS, he was a Medical Educationalist attached to the Centre for Medical and Health Science Education (CMHSE), University of Auckland, New Zealand, and the Medical Education Development And Research Centre (MEDARC), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. After graduating as a medical doctor from University of Colombo he trained further in medical education at University of Maastricht. Dr Samarasekera has been involved in curriculum planning, evaluation, and student assessment at both undergraduate and postgraduate level health professional courses. Recent involvements include faculty representative in the Interprofessional Education Committee at NUS and member of the panel of reviewers for ASPIRE – A Medical School Program For International Recognition Of Excellence In Education anchored by AMEE. He provides educational expertise, staff development to the medical faculties and other health professional institutions and also serves as an educational consultant to Ministry of Health, Singapore. He is the Co-chair for faculty development at the National University Health System (NUHS) Residency program and a member of the Graduate Medical Education Committee of NUHS. He serves as a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and heads the Continuous Quality Improvement section of the deanery education of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. Dr. Samarasekera is in the editorial advisory boards of South East Asian Journal of Medical Education (SEAJME), Korean Journal of Medical Education and serves as external faculty to CMHSE, University of Auckland; Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan. His main research interests are in effective teaching/learning behaviours and assessment.

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SIAU Chiang
Senior Consultant
Department of Anaesthesia
National University Health System

Dr Siau Chiang is a Senior Consultant with Department of Anesthesia, National University Health System and Associate Professor with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. He has a keen interest in the adoption of simulation as a tool for healthcare education and is actively involved in the development, review and teaching of medical undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, interprofessional education, and simulation faculty development. His clinical interests include peri-operative pain management and ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia.

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Clara SIN
Director, Medical Affairs (Education)
National University Health System, Singapore

Ms Clara Sin is the Director of Medical Affairs (Education) at the National University Health System (NUHS). She is the lead administrator supporting the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) for the NUHS Residency Program and was instrumental in setting up the Graduate Medical Education Office at NUHS. She also oversees Undergraduate Medical Education at the hospital. Prior to joining Medical Affairs, Clara was covering hospital operations and spear headed the set-up of the NUH Lean Office.

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Gerald SNG Gui Ren
Medical Student
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)
National University of Singapore

Gerald is a third-year medical student at the YLLSoM. He is interested in empathy as a core clinical and life trait and is presently studying the development of empathy in medical students, whilst now beginning to himself face the very same challenges that erode away at empathy in students.

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Derek SOON
Neurology Consultant and
Education Director for Medicine
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
University Medicine Cluster
National University Health System

A jobbing neurologist by background, my current professional and educational duties cover the delivery of general medical education, of which neurology forms a small, but essential portion. I adhere to the belief that all physicians should be equipped with a core of neurological knowledge for clinical practice and for teaching: Neurology for non-neurologists. Being a bit of a simpleton myself, I have spent a significant portion of my life trying to make neurology simple, and defining the core curriculum of neurology for non-neurologists, which I impart on my current students and residents. My other interests include clinical reasoning, neuroinflammation, hanging out with Nigel and Kevin and my four year old princess Sakura.

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TAN Chay Hoon
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Member, Medical Education Unit
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore; and
Consultant Psychiatrist, National University Hospital
National University Health System

Dr Tan is an Associate Professor in Pharmacology, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Consultant Psychiatrist, National University Hospital. She served on the Educational Task Force of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, on Curriculum Review as well as faculty Professional Development and coordinates the Mentoring Program. She is a Member of the Medical Education Unit and is actively involved in students and faculty assessment, Objective-Structured-Clinical-Examination and Objective-Structured-Teacher and Examiner Evaluation. She is on the editorial board of Medical Progress and International Journal of Mental Health and an invited manuscript reviewer for various International Neuroscience and Psychiatric Journals. Dr Tan has been active in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and NUHS Residency Curriculum planning. She has received the University Annual Teaching Excellence Awards in 2004/2005 and 2001/2002 and has been awarded Master of Medical Education by University of Dundee in 2011. 

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Kevin TAN
Consultant and Head
Office of Neurological Education
National Neuroscience Institute

Dr Kevin Tan is currently a Neurologist at National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. His clinical expertise is in neuroimmunologic diseases and neurological infections. He is currently Head, Office of Neurological Education and Programme Director, Neurology Senior Residency Programme at NNI and core faculty member, National Healthcare Group Internal Medicine Residency Programme. His interests in medical education focus mainly on team-based learning, innovations in Neurology teaching and clinical reasoning. He takes great pride in helping his students understand and enjoy Neurology and hopes to inspire them to career in it.

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Nigel TAN
Senior Consultant and Education Director
National Neuroscience Institute

In my current role as Education Director of NNI, I currently manage education – both medical and nursing – within NNI. Education at NNI interfaces with 3 medical schools, 2 internal medicine residencies, a psychiatry residency, and 2 nursing schools. At the same time, I am adjunct faculty at YLLSOM NUS, and also core faculty for the NHG Internal Medicine residency. The work keeps me very busy, but it also affords me the unique opportunity to work with many dedicated, talented educators whose commitment to education is unquestionable. I remain sane through running, watching The Simpsons, and dabbling in education research with like-minded neurologists and fellow educators. I have occasionally been known to crack a joke.

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THAM Kum Ying
Adjunct Associate Professor
Assistant Chairman Medical Board (Education) and
Senior Consultant Emergency Physician
Tan Tock Seng Hospital and
Assistant Dean and Head of Phases 2 & 3
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Nanyang Technological University

Dr Tham graduated in 1988 with MBBS from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and obtained her FRCSEd (A&E) from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1993. She became a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore in 1999. She completed her Master of Science in Training and Human Resource Management (Distinction) from the University of Leicester, UK in 2006. She is currently completing her Doctorate in Education. She has been teaching medical students, junior doctors, nurses and paramedics since 1994. Through the years, she is a much sought after teacher and lecturer and has won numerous teaching awards. Moving beyond her specialization in emergency medicine, resuscitation and trauma, she is now widely consulted on clinical education matters e.g. curriculum innovation and improvement, faculty development. Her research interests include students’ learning of professionalism, professional identity formation and development of teaching culture in an organization. From 2008 onwards, she has been involved in the setting up, organization and launch of the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore’s newest medical school for the inaugural intake in August 2013.

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MBBS (Malaya), FRCP (London), FAMS (Dermatology), FRCP (Glasgow)
Assoc. Professor, Education
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Dr T Thirumoorthy is the Director of the Practice Course (Year 2) and faculty member in Practice Course (Year1) at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore. He is the Founding Director of the Dermatology Unit, Singapore General Hospital and now works as a Visiting Consultant Dermatologist at SGH. Dr Thirumoorthy is the Founding Director of the SMA Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism (SMA-CMEP) in 2000 and is the current Executive Director. He has been on the Teaching Faculty of the MOH/SMA Course on Ethics & Professionalism for Advanced Specialist Trainees since 2004. He was an elected member of the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) from 2005 to 2008. He served as a member of the MOH National Medical Ethics Committee (NMEC) from 2005-2012. He holds a Masters degree in Healthcare Ethics and Law from the University of Manchester (2007). In January 2007, he has taken the appointment as Associate Professor in the Education Program, at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, where his teaching responsibilities include subjects on professionalism, medical ethics, communications and healthcare law.

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Joshua TUNG Yi Min
Medical Student
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)
National University of Singapore

Joshua Tung is a Year 3 student at the National University of Singapore's Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and will graduate in 2016. He has a strong interest in humanities and the arts and participates in the Faculty of Medicine's yearly drama competition. He is currently working on a research project which aims to discover the empathy profile of Singaporean medical students, and hopes to develop interventional strategies to blunt any decline in empathy levels as the students move through their five years of undergraduate education.

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WONG Li Lian
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore

Dr Wong Li Lian received her B.Sc (Pharmacy) degree from the University of Iowa and Doctor of Pharmacy in 2007, from the Ohio State University. She completed fellowship training at the University of California San Diego.  She is involved in the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students; and a member of the NUS Interprofessional Education Steering Committee since 2011.  Her research areas of interest are interprofessional education and collaboration, health literacy, patient safety and pharmacy education

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wong mun loke

WONG Mun Loke
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Dentistry   
National University of Singapore
National University Health System

Trained in Dental Public Health, Mun Loke recently returned to academia full time.  Prior to this, Mun Loke held a broad range of preventive health care portfolios in the public sector where he assumed clinical roles in general paediatric dentistry, leadership roles in oral and general health promotion as well as senior management functions in the Health Promotion Board.  Mun Loke is passionate about education and has been involved in the delivery of the undergraduate Dental Public Health curriculum for the last 10 years.  His other interests include health promotion, health education and he is presently exploring new ways of heightening oral health awareness through inter-professional education.

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Amanda ZAIN
Department of Paediatrics
National University Hospital
National University Health System

Amanda is a second year resident of the NUH Paediatrics Programme. She graduated from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in 2012. Hoping to espouse the better values of the Generation Y, Amanda is optimistic that she and her peers can rise up to the challenges facing today's medical training and healthcare landscape.

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Last updated on 23 December 2013