
07 Feb

Essential Topics in Clinical Ethics Unit 3 & 4

Date/Time 07th Feb 2025 and 21st Feb 2025, 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Venue Short online video lectures and synchronous facilitated case discussions online via Zoom

By Invitation only

The dates and topics for each unit are as follows:

7 February 2025: Unit 3 – Elements of decision-making (Part 2): shared decision-making, end of life decision-making, advance care planning and non-beneficial treatment

21 February 2025: Unit 4 – Health law, defensive medicine and therapeutic innovations

Organized By CENTRES
21 Aug

PRECISE-IHCC Conference 2024

Date/Time 21st Aug 2024 to 23rd Aug 2024, 08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Venue One Farrer Hotel

Jointly organised by Precision Health Research, Singapore (PRECISE) and the International Health Cohorts Consortium (IHCC), the conference will bring together some 600 thought leaders, clinicians, scientists, biotechs, and patient advocacy associations from across the world who are at the forefront of precision medicine and public health innovation.

Themed “From Cohorts to Clinics: The New Landscape of Global Healthcare”, the conference seeks to address the challenges and opportunities in translating advances in precision medicine into tangible enhancements in patient care and reshape the landscape of modern healthcare. It also aims to catalyse and promote cross-population cohort research and design cross-cohort pilot projects to address various global challenges.

The three-day conference will be held on-site from 21 to 23 August 2024 in Singapore.

Organized By Jointly organised by Precision Health Research, Singapore (PRECISE) and the International Health Cohorts Consortium (IHCC)
28 Jun

Hot Topics in Consent for Research – AI and Risk in Clinical Trials

Date/Time 28 Jun 2024, Friday, 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Venue NUS MD6 Building, Room 01-02 (14 Medical Dr, Singapore 117599)

By Invitation only

In light of the advent of generative AI and other recent technological advancements, this workshop aims to explore the ethical concerns surrounding two main topics: using artificial intelligence (AI) in the consent process, and the risks involved in clinicals trials.

Organized By NUS CBmE
18 Jun

Educators’ Course in Healthcare Ethics, Law & Professionalism (for Nurses) 18 June, 20 June & 27 June 2024

Date/Time 18th Jun 2024 to 27th Jun 2024, 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
Venue In-person Session | MD 11 Symposium Room
Tuesday, 18 June 2024 | 8.30 – 5.30pm
Thursday, 20 June 2024 | 8.30 – 5.30pm
Thursday, 27 June 2024 | 8.30 – 5.30pm

This 3.5-day programme is designed to train nurses who are interested to be Educators to train their nursing colleagues in the Healthcare Ethics, Law and Professionalism Programme. Nurses who complete this course will form the cadre who can lead the training of their nursing colleagues in the 1-day Core Module in Healthcare Ethics, Law and Professionalism. The course objectives are aligned to the Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals in Clinical Ethics crafted by the MOH-appointed National Ethics Capability Committee (NECC) to enhance the capacity of healthcare professionals (including nurses) in clinical ethics.


Organized By CBmE CET
03 Jun

Short Courses on Ageing and Ethics

Date/Time 03rd Jun 2024 to 24th Jun 2024, 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Venue Online via Zoom

The first course on The Ethics of Families in Ageing Societies explores the ethical aspects of the important role that the family unit plays in an ageing society.  Learners will examine how family values intersect with societal norms, and the variety of roles of the family in the health and social care of the elderly person.

The second course on The Ethics of Communities and Cultures in Ageing explores the ethical aspects of the role of the community and culture in an ageing society.  Learners will examine the interplay between ethics and different sets of cultural values, and consider how changing cultural norms impact the life of the elderly person.

These courses are led by an educator with extensive teaching and research experience in the areas of ageing and end-of-life, and will be delivered through a combination of recorded lectures and ‘live’ online sessions.


Organized By NUS CBmE
20 May

Canada’s Evolving Assisted Dying Regime – A Country’s Journey from Permissive to Restrictive to Permissive Eligibility Thresholds

Date/Time 20 May 2024, Monday, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House

Talk by Professor Udo Schüklenk

Speaker’s Biography

Udo Schüklenk is Professor of Philosophy at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario Research Chair in Bioethics, and Honorary Professor at both Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg (since 2008) and Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou (since 2017). Schüklenk is the Editor in Chief of Bioethics (since 1997) and the Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of Developing World Bioethics (since 2000). He has written, edited or co-edited ten books and authored or co-authored some 100+ publications in peer reviewed journals and anthologies.


Organized By CBmE
17 May

Online Ethinar
Promoting health in the sexually active teenager-an ethical perspective

Date/Time 17 May 2024, Friday, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Venue Online via Zoom

Asian Paediatric Ethics Network (APEN) of the Paediatric Ethics Programme at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics will be conducting a Webinar on ‘Promoting health in the sexually active teenager – An ethical perspective’.

Organized By PEP@CBmE
14 May

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Date/Time 14th May 2024 to 27th Jun 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue Zoom

Course Outline & Highlights

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has boundless potential to reshape society, and it is important to have a robust understanding of the ethical, legal, and social implications of its incorporation into our lives.

This course delves into the intersection of ethics, AI technology and law, and is led by a panel of distinguished academics and leading thinkers in these fields from around the world.

Learners will acquire insights into :

  • ethical issues such as transparency and fairness in society with the increasing use of AI;
  • moral decision-making frameworks for AI, and issues with how AI processes data and makes decision like or unlike a human being;
  • the legal implications of deploying AI technologies; and
  • the longer-term social implications as new AI technologies are developed and deployed in even the most private aspects of our lives (including medicine and healthcare).


Organized By CET CBmE
15 Apr

How Demanding Can Ethics Be?

Date/Time 15 Apr 2024, Monday, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Venue LT 10

No registration required.

Organized By NUS Department of Philosophy & CBmE
09 Apr

AI Ethics: Beyond the Species Boundary

Date/Time 09 Apr 2024, Tuesday, 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Venue River Room, Asian Civilization Museum (in-person)

Talk by Professor Peter Singer

Speaker’s Biography

Peter Singer has been bestowed the tag of “world’s most influential living philosopher” by journalists. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1946, and educated at the University of Melbourne and the University of Oxford. After teaching in England, the United States and Australia, he has, since 1999, been Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He first became well-known internationally after the publication of Animal Liberation in 1975. Some of his other well-known books are: Practical Ethics, The Expanding Circle, How Are We to Live?, Rethinking Life and Death, Pushing Time Away, The Life You Can Save, The Point of View of the Universe (co-authored with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek), Ethics in the Real World, and Why Vegan?

Organized By NUS CBmE
08 Apr

Behaviour Change: Benefits and Limits

Date/Time 08 Apr 2024, Monday, 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Venue NUS Business School BIZ1-204

Talk by Professor Peter Singer

Speaker’s Biography

Peter Singer has been bestowed the tag of “world’s most influential living philosopher” by journalists. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1946, and educated at the University of Melbourne and the University of Oxford. After teaching in England, the United States and Australia, he has, since 1999, been Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He first became well-known internationally after the publication of Animal Liberation in 1975. Some of his other well-known books are: Practical Ethics, The Expanding Circle, How Are We to Live?, Rethinking Life and Death, Pushing Time Away, The Life You Can Save, The Point of View of the Universe (co-authored with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek), Ethics in the Real World, and Why Vegan?


Physical Location:
NUS Business School, BIZ1 #02-04

Or, sign up here to attend via Zoom:

Organized By Interdisciplinary Prosocial Behavior Seminar (or "ProSoc" for short) — jointly organized by professors at the business school, the medical school (CBmE), and the economics department
08 Apr

The Ethics of Human Challenge Studies

Date/Time 08 Apr 2024, Monday, 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Venue Ong Tiong Tat & Irene Tan Liang Kheng Auditorium, Clinical Sciences Building, Level 4, 11 Mandalay Rd, Singapore 308232

Challenge studies are research studies where human volunteers are intentionally exposed to infectious diseases such as influenza, malaria or dengue. Such studies have received more attention in recent years with their application to COVID-19 during and after the pandemic. This workshop aims to explore the ethical aspects of challenge studies generally as well as through a Singaporean and COVID-19 lens.

Distinguished speakers ranging from clinicians, bioethicists and participant representatives will share their varied insights on challenge studies. The first half of the workshop will feature the history and ethical aspects of challenge studies and the second half will zoom in on how challenge studies (particularly for COVID-19) may be conducted in Singapore and the relevant ethical considerations. Both sessions will include an interactive and engaging Q&A segment where participants may pose questions to the speakers.

Who should attend: Clinician-scientists, IRB members/secretariat, those involved in governance/oversight of research, academics, policymakers

Organized By SHAPES, CBmE & National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID)
29 Feb

“Absolutely Essential”: Bioethics and the International Rules-Based Order

Date/Time 29 Feb 2024, Thursday, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue  NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, Cluny Room Level 2

Seminar by Professor Jonathan Moreno

Synopsis : The field that came to be known as bioethics in the late 1960’s is an integral part of the liberal international order intentionally developed in the aftermath of the catastrophe of World War II.  Following the Russian war in Ukraine there is every reason to believe that the set of norms and institutions that preserved peace in Europe through the first Cold War will be revised according to new assumptions that will structure international relations in a second Cold War. Bioethics will need to adapt to the conditions of the new Cold War, as it was shaped by the conditions of the last.

Organized By CBmE
11 Jan

CENTRES Clinical Ethics Conference 2024

Date/Time 11th Jan 2024 and 12th Jan 2024, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue Kent Ridge Guild House, NUS

CENTRES Clinical Ethics Conference 2024 is on the theme “Revisiting Best Interests” and will be held on 11th January 2024 & 12th January 2024 at the Kent Ridge Guild House.


The CENTRES Clinical Ethics Conference 2024 will focus on enhancing clarity on the principle of best interests. Although this complex topic has garnered significant attention in bioethics and legal literature, uncertainties persist when applying the principle in clinical practice. It is not always clear what ‘best interests’ is, leading to misinterpretations and conflicts in the care process. 

The goal is to enable healthcare professionals to better understand what best interests mean in various contexts – patient welfare, beneficence, capacity, mental illness. The broad nature of best interests offers us the flexibility to select nuanced issues and cases for discussion. 

Who should attend: Clinical Ethics Committee (CEC) chairpersons and members, doctors, nurses, medical social workers, allied health professionals, lawyers, academics, care workers and policy makers.

Continuing Professional Education Points: Will be awarded for doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

This conference is fully subscribed.


Organized By CENTRES
02 Oct

Inaugural Asian Paediatric Ethics Conference

Date/Time 02nd Oct 2023 and 03rd Oct 2023, 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
Venue Kent Ridge Guild House (KRGH) NUS

The first Asian Paediatric Ethics Conference is on the theme “Emerging Issues in Paediatric Ethics” and will be held on 2nd  & 3rd  October 2023 at the Kent Ridge Guild House.

The practice of clinical paediatrics brings with it unique and distinct ethical issues and dilemmas, particularly in today’s fast advancing world. And yet, the field of paediatric ethics lags behind its adult counterpart, particularly in the Asian region. The Centre for Biomedical Ethics in the National University of Singapore hopes to address this gap by organising an Asian Paediatric Ethics Conference as a platform to discuss, reflect and share practices among practitioners and scholars in our region and further aims to raise the profile of paediatric ethics to better care for children,  who represent the future of our society.

Who should attend
Academics, Healthcare professionals and medical  undergraduates.

Continuing Professional Education Points
The award of CME/CPE points for this event is subject to approval by the respective professional board

Begins in July. There will be a Registration fee.

Organized By PEP@CBmE
11 Sep

Seminar on Ethical A.I. in Healthcare

Date/Time 11 Sep 2023, Monday, 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Venue Kent Ridge Guild House (KRGH) NUS


Organized By NUS CBmE and SHAPES
24 Aug

Global Ethics Lecture – Professor Peter Singer

Date/Time 24 Aug 2023, Thursday, 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Venue River Room, Asian Civilisations Museum

Pandemic Ethics: 5 Lessons

(Networking reception from 6.30PM onwards)
In this talk, the five lessons Prof Singer will talk about are on allocating ICU beds, using human volunteers for challenge trials, lockdowns, whether to make vaccines mandatory, and preventing future pandemics.
Organized By CBmE
23 Aug

Research Infrastructures as Quality Improvement Interventions

Date/Time 23 Aug 2023, Wednesday, 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Venue Auditorium, Blk MD 11, 10 Medical Drive Singapore 117597
Standard accounts of research ethics are based upon the idea that, by accepting risks today, study participants contribute to generalizable knowledge that may benefit future patients. In other words, participants bear the risks today, whereas benefits don’t accrue until a future time. However, there are both empirical and theoretical reasons to believe that building research infrastructures can have immediate benefits for patients today, including both those who take part in the research and those who just receive care from participating institutions. Furthermore, the short-term benefits of research infrastructures may have particular impact in low and middle income countries.
Organized By CBmE
16 Aug

Research Ethics Webinar Series (16 Aug, 30 Aug, 13 Sep & 27 Sep 2023)

Date/Time 16th Aug 2023 to 27th Sep 2023, 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Venue via Zoom

There is wide recognition that responsible human subjects research requires careful consideration of a number of ethical issues, including balancing risks and benefits, avoiding exploitation, and promoting scientifically valuable research. IRBs are designed to assess these and other issues before research is conducted. However, like all governance systems, IRB review and other oversight mechanisms do not always conform to the ideals. IRBs can sometimes be too lenient, allowing research to go through that is ethically problematic; or, IRBs can be too strict, imposing requirements and delaying research conduct without good justification.

This webinar series consists of four sessions and will explore, through a deep-dive into four specific topics in research ethics, how IRBs and the research enterprise can best achieve this balance. The series will consist of talks by experts at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for Biomedical Ethics, followed by an open Q&A for participants to broaden the discussion.


Session 1, 16 Aug 2023 : What Counts as Research? (registration opens now)
Session 2, 30 Aug 2023 : Risks in Research
Session 3, 13 Sep 2023 : Assessing Scientific Validity
Session 4, 27 Sep 2023 : Coercion, Incentives and Inducement

Time: 12pm to 1pm

Organized By CBmE
28 Jul

Patient Engagement Forum

Date/Time 28 Jul 2023, Friday, 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM
Venue Holiday Inn Atrium

Organized By NUS CBmE and SHAPES
28 Jun

Thinking Ethically About the Regulation of Health Technology

Date/Time 28 Jun 2023, Wednesday, 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
Venue Kent Ridge Guild House (KRGH) NUS

Talks presented by:

Regulating Technologies: Obstacles and Opportunities by Professor Henry T. (Hank) Greely

Why, When, and How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence by Professor Simon Chesterman

Rapidly Advancing Stem Cell Technologies: Regulations vs. Guidelines by Dr Insoo Hyun

Organized By CBmE
06 May

Workshop – Parental Discretion and Conflict in Intensive Care

Date/Time 06 May 2023, Saturday, 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue Symposium Room 2&3 @ Blk MD 11, NUS

This workshop is by invitation only

The Paediatric Ethics Programme at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics is conducting a Workshop on Parental Discretion and Conflict in Intensive Care on Saturday 6th May from 2.30 to 6.00 pm.

Workshop will be led by Professor Dominic Wilkinson, Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Oxford, and Director of Medical Ethics and Deputy Director at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. He is a consultant in newborn intensive care at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Prof Wilkinson is also a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics.



Organized By Paediatric Ethics, CBmE
17 Apr

Seminar on Ethical AI in Healthcare

Date/Time 17 Apr 2023, Monday, 02:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Venue (Physical) Amphitheatre, Duke-NUS, (Virtual) Zoom

Organized By
21 Mar

Short Course in The Ethics of Big Data and AI : Issues in Health and Healthcare (21, 23, 27 & 30 March 2023)

Date/Time 21st Mar 2023 to 30th Mar 2023, 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Venue Blended (synchronous online sessions + asynchronous e-learning)

Registration has closed

The short course consists of four sessions. Participants have to attend all four sessions to register for the short course.

Course Outline
This course introduces the learner to the ethical issues arising from the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) in the field of health and healthcare.  It will explore the ways in which ethical values, analysis, and reflection can inform the use of Big Data and the development of AI in healthcare.  The learner be provided general tools for ethical analysis, and learn to apply these tools to the topic of Big Data and AI. 

Session Duration
10 hours (4 sessions x 2.5 hours)

Session Dates & Time
21, 23, 27, 30 March 2023, 5.30pm-8.00pm


Organized By CBmE
06 Mar

Webinar: New Research Practices in the wake of COVID-19: Ethical Aspects of Remote Consent and Remote Data Gathering

Date/Time 06 Mar 2023, Monday, 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue Online

Organized By SHAPES
05 May

Certificate of Healthcare Ethics & Law (CHEL)

Date/Time 05th May 2022 to 14th Jun 2022, 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Venue via Zoom

Date: 5 May to 14 June 2022
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 4.00pm to 6.00pm

The Certificate of Healthcare Ethics & Law (CHEL) is a course oriented for practice and focused on developing participants’ skills to use ethics to solve ethical dilemmas faced in clinical practice.

This is a blended course with videos and readings posted online and 12 two hour synchronous workshops offered by the CENTRES programme at CBmE. 

This inaugural run of CHEL is by invitation-only and tailored for the Chairpersons and Deputy Chairpersons of Clinical Ethics Committees.

The topics covered include ethical reasoning and analysis, innovative treatments, telemedicine, shared decision-making, mental capacity, end of life, vulnerable adults and children at risk, medical negligence and confidentiality. 

Participants who complete this course will receive a Certificate of Completion. 

Organized By CENTRES