Academic Staff

LAU Chin Haeng, Arthur
MSc (University of Edinburgh), MB BCh BAO (Penang Medical College), AFHEA (UK)


Tel: +65 6516 3211
Office: MD10 #04-01H

Research Interests
  • Pedagogical researchs involve in enhancing teaching and learning experiences.
  • Exploring the efficacy and utility of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) as pedagogical tools.
  • Designing, developing and exploring the effectivity of analog or digital serious games as one of the modalities to deliver teaching in a blended curriculum.
Current Projects
  • Designing of a quiz-based digital anatomy serious game informed by pedagogical theories.
Selected Publications
  • Lau Chin Haeng, A., Langschmidt, J., & Findlater, G. (2017). Development and acceptability of a mobile app on the embryonic development of the heart. In Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Kim, G., Lau, A.C.-H. and Chang, S.K.Y. 2014. Single-incision laparoscopic hepatic resection in patients with previous hepatic resections: A mini case series. Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery. 7(1), pp.63-66.
Oral Presentation
  • Oral presentation at the Center for Research in Digital Education Symposium (May 2019): Environmental Scan of Educational Games for Medical Education. 
  • Oral presentation with a multidisciplinary team at the Student Education Conference at the University of Leeds (January 2021) and at Serious Games and Technology to Improve Health Behaviours and Education Conference (April 2021): Optimising the FIT Food online game App to promote the acquisition of skills in nutrition and healthy food choice behaviours among users.
  • Chaired keynote speech by Professor Sylvester Arnab from the University of Coventry on "Games in Education: Seriously?" at Serious Games and Technology to Improve Health Behaviours and Education Conference (April 2021)
Honours & Awards
  • Third prize poster presentation at Faculty of Medicine and Health Postgraduate Conference 2019
  • Nominated as one of the top six finalists in Leeds Doctoral College 3-minute thesis (3MT) competition 2021
  • Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
  • University of Leeds Anatomy Demonstrating PhD Studentship 2017
Professional Organizations
  • Member of the Anatomical Society, UK

A collaborative effort with Dr Ang Eng-Tat (Senior Anatomy Lecturer at NUS) and Zach Bearinger (Game Design and Developer at Raccoopack Media)