The Department of Anaesthesia would like to invite application for the position of an Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor.


The Department of Anaesthesia of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and the National University Hospital (NUH) is seeking an anaesthesiologist with a proven research track record to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor level. The applicant should be a clinical anaesthesiologist with a recognised specialist qualification such as US Board Certification, FRCA or FANZCA.

The NUH is a 1000-bedded multi-disciplinary tertiary referral hospital affiliated to the NUS Medical School, which is Singapore’s most established and one of Asia’s leading institutions for medical teaching and research. The successful applicant will receive protected academic time for research. He or she is also expected to instruct medical students and residents, as well as lead and mentor others in research. The successful applicant will have access to a basic science laboratory, and be required to compete for grant funding.

This position is located in Singapore, a city-state in South-East Asia. Singapore offers a safe living environment and a strong educational system. English is widely spoken and is the primary working language.

Applicants can learn more about the Department at

Applicants should submit detailed curriculum vitae, and a cover letter outlining their research interests to:
Bryan Ng Su Wei, MBBS; FRCA
Head of Department

Currently no position available

Currently no position available