NUS-Kanagawa Joint Symposium

The NUS and the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan held the inaugural NUS-Kanagawa Joint Symposium on 19 and 20 January 2015 at the Centre for Life Sciences auditorium at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

The symposium, which focused on the field of Urology, was led by Professor John Wong, Chief Executive of the National University Health System (NUHS), Mr Yuji Kuroiwa, Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, and Professor Yoshinobu Kubota, President of Yokohama City University.

Amongst the 128 attendees, distinguished guests present included His Excellency Haruhisa Takeuchi, the Ambassador of Japan to Singapore, Dr Kenji Shuto, Special Assistant to the Governor, Kanagawa Prefectural Government, and Secretary General of the Global Collaboration Center for Life Innovation, Mr Sumio Takeichi.

The symposium promoted the exchange of scientific ideas through a networking session with industry partners, and encouraged closer ties and understanding among researchers from the NUHS and Japanese Universities in the Kanagawa Prefecture. It brought together experts from various clinical and pre-clinical disciplines, facilitated cross education, and stimulated the fusion and implementation of scientific ideas into clinical practices that could help improve patient outcomes.


His Excellency Haruhisa Takeuchi, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore (left), and Prof John Wong, Chief Executive of NUHS (right).


Group photo of the symposium organising committee, representatives from the Kanagawa Prefectural Government and Global Collaboration Center, symposium speakers and industry partners.


Breakout session with industry partners.