In Appreciation of Our Long-Serving Staff Members

Few can claim to have witnessed the evolution of NUS Medicine over the last 110 years, but a special group of academic and administrative staff that have been around for 20 years and more received special recognition at a luncheon earlier this year.

Representatives received a NUS Medicine Heritage Tie (for the men) and Heritage Shawl (for the ladies) from the Dean, Associate Professor Yeoh Khay Guan. In all, 251 colleagues from the 18 Departments, two Centres and the Dean’s Office who have served between 20 to 60 years at NUS Medicine were recognised.


Emeritus Professor Chan Soh Ha, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, and the Dean, Assoc Prof Yeoh


Assoc Prof Yeoh and Mr Ramakrishna s/o A Ponnusamy, Department of Pathology


Ms Ng Geok Lan, Department of Anatomy, receiving a Heritage Shawl from Assoc Prof Yeoh