A Better Way

Quicker, simpler, smoother, even cheaper. To foster a work culture based on quality, value creation, efficiency and continuous improvement, and to encourage staff to improve their productivity and excellence, the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine established the Organisational Excellence (OE) Unit on May 1, 2016.

A team of 25 staff – also known as Continuous Improvement Champions – was picked to undergo a Lean Six Sigma Foundation Course online, to help them tackle business problems and devise innovative solutions. The course was administered by the NUS School of Continuous and Lifelong Education (SCALE) in partnership with BMGI, a leading Lean Six Sigma course provider, and its certification is recognised internationally by the International Association of Six Sigma Certification (IASSC).

“The three reasons staff should embrace continuous improvement are self-development for career progression and mobility, to be able to simplify work through leveraging on technology or reducing red tape, and be recognised and valued by the organisation in the process,” said Mr Vickneshwaran Thangavelu, Head of the OE Unit.

The staff were awarded ‘Yellow Belt’ certificates at the “Let’s Celebrate Continuous Improvement” event held on July 31, 2017. The 12 staff who completed their CIP also received certificates at the event.

Three Continuous Improvement Projects (CIP) subsequently undertaken by 12 staff proved the merits of embracing the value of continuous improvement. These projects achieved a 60 to 82 per cent increase in efficiency in their work processes, shortened the work process by one day to about 26 days, as well as saved the School between $530 to $12,300 in terms of manpower cost per year. These time and cost savings meant that the departments could shift their focus to other key work areas.

82% efficiency
46 days less work
$23,000 manpower cost
*Based on 3 completed CIP

For more information on Organisational Excellence, please write to Vickneshwaran at medvt@nus.edu.sg