Inspiring Health for All

Let me start by congratulating Team Medicine for winning the 2018 Inter-Faculty Games and bringing home the Tan Eng Chye Challenge Trophy! Well-done all sportsmen and women!

We are all part of cycles in life. I begin with a tribute to our teachers here at the School. The 2,950 teachers include academic clinicians, scientists as well as clinicians from public and private healthcare institutions. Our teachers unstintingly give of their time to teach and mentor tomorrow’s doctors, nurses and scientists. Our students catch the inspiration from their teachers, and seniors, and will in turn pass on the values, wisdom and experience to those who come after…

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Issue 28


Medical Conference Offers Perspectives, Insights

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Issue 28

Neighbourhood Health Service 2018 – Bringing together the nation’s key players in healthcare delivery

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Issue 28

Teaching the Young to Care for the Old

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Issue 28

Science of Life

Cross-Causeway Collaboration Raises Cure Rate for Childhood Leukemia

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Issue 28


Key to Artery Health Lies in LYVE-1 Macrophage

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In Vivo

Healing the Bone

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Issue 28
Issue 28

Ethically Speaking

What Matters for a Good Life Matters for Good Care

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A Doctor Never Stops learning

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Issue 28
Issue 28

Families – Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em, We Can’t Live Without ‘Em

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Issue 28

Running Highs and Lows: Going Beyond The Treatment of Symptoms

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Issue 28

All in the Family

Community Care Education at NUS Medicine

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Alumni Voices

He Pulled a Metal Shard from a Farmer’s Heart

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Issue 28
Issue 28

People of NUS Medicine

Succumbing to Biotechnology’s Adrenaline Rush

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November 2018 – January 2019

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Date Event & Venue
Nov 1

Dialogue 2018
Level 1, Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block

Nov 27-28

Raffles Dialogue
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

Jan 9-13

16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)
University Cultural Centre (UCC), NUS

Jan 14

NUS-Cambridge Joint Symposium
University of Cambridge, UK

Jan 17-18

East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS)
Furama Riverfront Hotel

Jan 25-27 4th NUHS-Harvard BIDMC Conference 2019: Update in Internal Medicine
Level 1, Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block