Dear Reader,

Shortly, we will welcome about 560 young men and women of the Medicine and Nursing classes of 2024 and 2022 respectively. They will undergo a transformative educational experience over the next three to five years, one that will equip them with medical and nursing skills and knowledge to be effective healthcare providers. They will in time to come, join other NUS Medicine alumni in providing care for our community.

As the School cycles through a new academic year, our biomedical research work continues apace. This issue, we present a discussion on gene editing. It is a science that has come under a cloud caused by the controversial editing of the genomes of two babies born in China. In another marvellous piece of research work, our colleagues have found the reason for chronic rejection of transplanted organs. This opens the way for precision medicine in transplant, where specific immunosuppressive strategies can be devised to minimise transplant failure and reduce transplant patients’ risk of getting infections and cancer. A third story that we are pleased to share with readers is about the speed at which the human brain processes and manages information: their finding gives new meaning to the phrase, quick thinking.

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Issue 30


Ensuring Mental Health for All

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Issue 30

Resilience Key to Mental Fortitude

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Issue 30

East-West Dialogue at NUHS-Harvard BIDMC Conference

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Science of Life

Mushrooms May Reduce Risk of Cognitive Decline

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Issue 30
Issue 30

No Mere Gut Feeling

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Issue 30

Transplant Organ Rejection – Researchers Gain New Insights

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Issue 30


An Ethical Dilemma

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Issue 30


A Case against A Moratorium on Germline Gene Editing

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Issue 30

Living with Loss – A Word of Consolation to the Ones Left Behind

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Issue 30

SARS Made Me A Better Nurse

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Issue 30

All in the Family

Building Family Medicine at NUS/NUHS – A Progress Update

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Alumni Voices

The Three Hs of Medicine

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Issue 30
Issue 30

People of NUS Medicine

Music Helps Her Be A Better Doctor

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May – July 2019

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Date Event & Venue
May 27

14th NUS-Nagasaki Symposium
LT35, Level 1, Centre for Translational Medicine (MD6), NUS

June 13 ASEAN Simulation User Network (SUN) Meeting 2019
Level 3, Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Centre for Translational Medicine (MD 6), NUS

July 3
Medical Dinner 2019
Padang & Collyer Ballrooms, Raffles City Convention Centre
July 14
Commencement Ceremony
University Cultural Centre, NUS

July 26 NUS Medicine Awards Ceremony
Auditorium, Level 1, NUHS Tower Block