November – January 2017


Event & Venue

Nov 3 – 6

NUH Eye International Congress 2016 (XII ISOT & III APOT Meetings)
Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block

Nov 7

NUS – PRIME (Priority Research in Medical Education)
Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

Nov 10 – 12

Asia Pacific Psycho-Oncology Network (APPON 5) Meeting
Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block

Nov 15 – 17

Asia Pacific Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (APMSH)
University Cultural Centre, NUS & Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Level 3,
Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

Nov 18 – 20

Association of Standardised Patient Educators (ASPE) Asia Pacific Conference<
Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Level 3,
Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

Nov 26

Wong Hock Boon Society Symposium & Mentor Appreciation Lunch 2016
Peter & Mary Fu Lecture Theatre (LT35), Level 1,
Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

Jan 11 – 15

14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)
University Cultural Centre, NUS

Details are subject to change.