Dear Reader,

Compassion, commitment and an abiding concern for the health and well-being of the community are three themes which feature prominently in the articles found in this issue of MediCine.

They are sounded in the traditional White Coat Ceremony welcoming freshmen Medicine students to the School at the start of their studies, and echoed in the annual, student-led Neighbourhood Health Service that is into its 10th year. We hear these 3Cs reiterated in the sharing of a specialist-in-training and see them expressed in our students’ outreach to migrant workers.

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Issue 20


White Coat Ceremony 2016

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Issue 20

Public Health Service 2016

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Hero of NUS Pioneers Honoured with Bursary

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The Best Medicine

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The NUHS Summit Research Programmes

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Issue 20

Science of Life

Male Caregivers of Cancer Patients More Stressed Than Counterparts in Canada, Britain, the United States

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Issue 20


Found – Tumour Suppressor That May Lead to More Accurate Prognoses, New Treatments for Childhood Neuroblastoma

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Issue 20

In Vivo

A Medical Student Reflects on His Palliative Care Attachment Experiences

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Medical Students’ Outreach to Migrant Workers Talks Health and Wins Hearts

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People of NUS Medicine

Behind The Lens

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Issue 20
Issue 20


At Your Service – A Decade of Neighbourly Health Screening

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Issue 20


The Future of Singapore Healthcare

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November – January 2017

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Date  Event & Venue
 Nov 3 – 6
NUH Eye International Congress 2016 (XII ISOT & III APOT Meetings)
Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block
 Nov 7
 NUS – PRIME (Priority Research in Medical Education)
 Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS
 Nov 10 – 12
 Asia Pacific Psycho-Oncology Network (APPON 5) Meeting
 Auditorium, NUHS Tower Block

 Nov 15 – 17
Asia Pacific Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (APMSH)
 University Cultural Centre, NUS & Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Level 3,
 Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS
Nov 18 – 20
 Association of Standardised Patient Educators (ASPE) Asia Pacific Conference
 Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Level 3,
 Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

 Nov 26

 Wong Hock Boon Society Symposium & Mentor Appreciation Lunch 2016
 Peter & Mary Fu Lecture Theatre (LT35), Level 1,
 Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), MD6, NUS

 Jan 11- 15
 14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)
 University Cultural Centre, NUS