Dean Message

Neighbourhood Health Service volunteers with a Marine Parade family

Compassion, commitment and an abiding concern for the health and well-being of the community are three themes which feature prominently in the articles found in this issue of MediCine.

They are sounded in the traditional White Coat Ceremony welcoming freshmen Medicine students to the School at the start of their studies, and echoed in the annual, student-led Neighbourhood Health Service that is into its 10th year. We hear these 3Cs reiterated in the sharing of a specialist-in-training and see them expressed in our students’ outreach to migrant workers.

These themes are also the values of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and they inform the way we train and educate our students to become caring and competent medical and healthcare professionals of the future. They also guide the scientific discovery work that is done here at NUS Medicine.

One could go as far as to say that the 3Cs make up the DNA of our School, which rounds off yet another stimulating and satisfying year with the news that the School continues to be ranked highly by indexes such as

the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Their 2016-2017 rankings by subject (Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health) put NUS Medicine as Asia’s No. 1 medical school and 31st in the world. The 2016/2017 Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by subject (Medicine) also put us as No. 1 in Asia and 22nd globally.

I am also pleased to tell you that NUS Medicine has once again, for a fourth consecutive year, clinched the NUS Inter-Faculty Games title. It underlines something that all of us here know well – our students excel just as well as on the sports field and in community service. Their zest and zeal hearten and inspire us: may they go on to encourage and uplift those whose lives will one day be placed in their trust as medical and healthcare professionals.

That these young men and women are able to do so is due in no small part to the dedication and effort of their teachers as well as the generous, unstinting support of our donors. The School owes much to them and we are truly grateful.

With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Khay Guan