Overview of Programme Structure

The Precision Medicine Translational Research Programme (PM TRP) uses state-of-the-art multi-omics technologies to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of human diseases.

The objectives of this strategic research program are


To enable the move from MAPS to MECHANISMS by leveraging on basic science capabilities. The team has developed a number of strategies that will allow identification and validation of molecules that can serve as therapeutic targets for novel therapies.

Human Health and Disease

Understand physiological changes related to genetic variants of interest, to compare them against those derived from cell and animal-based models.

Modifying Natural History Of Disease

Translate the findings into novel therapeutic strategies. To achieve this, the team will work closely with clinicians to develop therapeutic strategies based on novel diagnostics identified through the programme.

Precision medicine is an innovative approach that combines individual differences in genes and biological building blocks (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) with environmental, lifestyle and healthcare data to

  • Support research of molecular mechanisms
  • Optimize health and improve disease management of individuals