Research News

Discover what are the latest developments in the Nanomedicine Translational Research Programme.


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NUS Medicine. in partnership with Channel NewsAsia, has developed a CNAInsider documentary series to tell the story of the School’s research work. In this series. find out how the Translational Research Programmes (TRPs) at NUS Medicine are addressing priority health concerns of Singapore and beyond.

The Nanomedicine TRP: Milk as medicine for gut diseases

People who have suffered from inflammatory bowel disease will know the discomfort and inconvenience it can cause, with symptoms including abdominal pain. diarrhoea and bloody stools.

Treatment-usually with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or immunosuppressive drugs-comes with side effects. Antibiotics. for instance. can disturb gut balance and damage beneficial bacteria.

Asst Prof Wang Jiong-Wei and his colleagues from the Nanomedicine TRP at NUS Medicine believe, however. that a type of milk nanoparticle they have extracted may be the answer to these problems. It is a breakthrough they are working on in the treatment of the disease.

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