Clinics in Singapore see rise in COVID-19 patients in new wave of infections

SINGAPORE: Clinics in Singapore are seeing a greater number of COVID-19 positive patients as coronavirus cases here start climbing again.

An excerpt from the article:

While studies and data overseas have reported more breakthrough infections due to BA.4 and BA.5, clinics here have not seen a clear trend of this happening in Singapore.

Professor Paul Tambyah, deputy director of the Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, said that the rate of reinfection with BA.4 and BA.5 is still low.

“The problem with BA.4 and BA.5 is that they are more transmissible but not necessarily more virulent. This happens with all pandemic viruses. They become more transmissible and less virulent over time,” said Prof Tambyah.

Prof Tambyah added that the virus will continue to adapt to evade the immune system and “infect the last few people who remain uninfected”.

“In practical terms, this means that we need to continue with the approach we have taken of ‘living with the virus’,” he said.

“We know that most people will eventually get infected but as long as we concentrate on treating those who are vulnerable and at risk, we will be fine.”

Source: Channel News Asia

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