Infectious Diseases
A holistic, patient-centric approach to infectious diseases that are relevant to Singapore and Asia
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Our Vision & Mission

ID TRP Directors' Welcome

Welcome to the Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme (ID TRP)

This year, we are forging ahead with the tremendous challenge of supporting research amidst a global pandemic. Our ID programme aims to provide a holistic, patient-centric approach to infectious diseases that are relevant to Singapore and Asia. We plan to strengthen peaks of excellence in deep pathogen-specific knowledge and expertise, particularly in molecular genetics and animal modelling. Our main areas of focus are Bacterial AMR, Emerging viruses and Vaccine development. With our members from basic science and clinical field working hand in hand, we aim to build a community with a sense of belonging while establishing a regional and international research network. Our goal is to position ID TRP as the first choice for students, research fellows and academics by providing a nurturing and cutting-edge research environment.


A/Prof Gan Yunn Hwen & A/Prof Sylvie Alonso
Programme Directors
Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme

ID TRP Directors' Welcome

Welcome to the Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme (ID TRP)

This year, we are forging ahead with the tremendous challenge of supporting research amidst a global pandemic. Our ID programme aims to provide a holistic, patient-centric approach to infectious diseases that are relevant to Singapore and Asia. We plan to strengthen peaks of excellence in deep pathogen-specific knowledge and expertise, particularly in molecular genetics and animal modelling. Our main areas of focus are Bacterial AMR, Emerging viruses and Vaccine development. With our members from basic science and clinical field working hand in hand, we aim to build a community with a sense of belonging while establishing a regional and international research network. Our goal is to position ID TRP as the first choice for students, research fellows and academics by providing a nurturing and cutting-edge research environment.


A/Prof Gan Yunn Hwen & A/Prof Sylvie Alonso
Programme Directors
Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme

Our People

Get to know our team players who diligently contributed to the research programme


Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Host-pathogen interactions in order to identify and understand the role of host and viral factors in the fitness and virulence of pathogens ​

GAN Yunn Hwen​

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Novel strategies for targeting multidrug resistant enteric bacteria​
  • Multidrug resistance plasmid transmission in clinical Gram-negative bacteria​


Research Interests:
  • Influenza
  • Catheter-associated UTI
  • Clinical trials, investigational agents and nosocomial infections​


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
  • Staphylococcus
  • Aureus
  • MRSA
  • Bacteriophage
  • Transduction

Vincent CHOW

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Viral Pathogenesis​
  • Animal Models of Microbial Disease​
  • Molecular Diagnosis and Epidemiology​

Justin CHU

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Virology
  • Antivirals
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
  • Dengue Virus
  • Chikungunya Virus


Research Interests:
  • Rhinology
  • Allergy
  • Nasal Epithelial Stem Cells
  • Host Innate Immunity
  • Viral Infection



Hsu Li Yang


Research Interests:
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Genomics and Epidemiology
  • Bacterial antibiotic resistance: Epidemiology, Mechanisms, and Intervention

QU Kun

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
  • Molecular and morphological characteristics of virus-host interactions.
  • Structure-guided design of antibodies and vaccines.
  • New methods in cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging

Catherine ONG

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
  • Tuberculosis
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Biomarker discovery
  • Host-directed therapy
  • Rapid Pathogen detection
  • Antimicrobial resistance



Research Interests:
  • Molecular and clinical epidemiology of infections
  • Multidrug-resistant pathogens
  • Antimicrobial


Research Interests:
  • HIV
  • Tuberculosis
  • Clinical Trials
  • Treatment


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
  • Capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis in Streptococcus Penumoniae
  • Bacterial cell envelope biogenesis
  • Antibiotic development

TAN Yee Joo

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Molecular Virology
  • Viral-host Interactions
  • Neutralising antibodies
  • Influenza Virus


Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Respiratory Pathophysiology
  • Asthma
  • Lung Cancer
  • Cellular Physiology
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Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Host-pathogen interactions in order to identify and understand the role of host and viral factors in the fitness and virulence of pathogens ​

GAN Yunn Hwen​

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Novel strategies for targeting multidrug resistant enteric bacteria​
  • Multidrug resistance plasmid transmission in clinical Gram-negative bacteria​


Research Interests:
  • Influenza
  • Catheter-associated UTI
  • Clinical trials, investigational agents and nosocomial infections​


Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance
  • Drug target, molecular epidemiology, and drug discovery​


Research Interests:
  • Infection Control​
  • Outbreaks​
  • Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy


Associate Professor​
Research Interests:
  • Dengue​
  • Klebsiella Liver Abscess Syndrome​
  • Bloodstream Infections, Medical Education​

Louis CHAI​

Associate Professor​
Research Interests:
  • Immunocompromised Hosts​
  • Fungal Infections
  • Immunology
  • Host Pathogen Interaction​

David ALLEN​

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Infections in immune compromised hosts,
  • Complex infections involving implanted cardiac devices, prosthetic joints and the spine​

Kevin TAN​

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Malaria​
  • Blastocystis​
  • Cell Death​
  • Bioimaging​
  • Host-pathogen Interactions​

Swaine L CHEN​

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Bacterial Genomics
  • Genomic Outbreak Analysis
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Host-pathogen Interactions


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
  • Staphylococcus​
  • Aureus
  • MRSA
  • Bacteriophage​
  • Transduction​

Raymond LIN

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Influenza, enteroviruses and vector-borne viruses
  • Tuberculosis
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Our Achievements

Discover some of our recent achievements
Awards & Appointments

Best Graduate Research Publication Award 2024

Congratulations to Dr Su Tong from Dr Sham Lok To’s Lab for winning the Best Graduate Research Publication Award 2024! …

High Profile Publications

Adjunctive pascolizumab in rifampicin-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis: proof-of-concept, partially-randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation trial

Authors: Nicholas I Paton, Meera Gurumurthy, Qingshu Lu, Francesca Leek, Philip Kwan, Hiromi W L Koh, James Molton, Lalaine Mortera, …

High Profile Publications

Short-chain fatty acids of various lengths differentially inhibit Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacteriaceae species

Authors: Kai Chirng Chang, Niranjan Nagarajan, Yunn-Hwen Gan Journal: mSphere. 2024 Feb 28;9(2):e0078123. DOI: 10.1128/msphere.00781-23  

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