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Use of failure-to-rescue after emergency surgery as a dynamic indicator of hospital resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. A multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study

Journal: International Journal of Surgery
Published Date: 2022/09/09
Authors: Osorio, J. , Madrazo, Z. , Videla, S. , Sainz, B. , Rodríguez-Gonzalez, A. , Campos, A. , Santamaria, M. , Pelegrina, A. , Gonzalez-Serrano, C. , Aldeano, A. , Sarriugarte, A. , Gómez-Díaz, C.J. , Ruiz-Luna, D. , García-Ruiz-de-Gordejuela, A. , G...

Use of computerised adaptive testing to reduce the number of items in patient-reported hip and knee outcome scores: An analysis of the NHS England National Patient-Reported Outcome Measures programme

Journal: BMJ Open
Published Date: 2022/07/20
Authors: Evans, J.P., Gibbons, C., Toms, A.D., Valderas, J.M.

Effectiveness of the MULTIPAP Plus intervention in youngest-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy aimed at improving prescribing practices in primary care: study protocol of a cluster randomized trial

Journal: Trials
Published Date: 2022/06/09
Authors: Del Cura-González, I., López-Rodríguez, J.A., Leiva-Fernández, F., Gimeno-Feliu, L.A., Pico-Soler, V., Bujalance-Zafra, M.J., Domínguez-Santaella, M., Polentinos-Castro, E., Poblador-Plou, B., Ara-Bardají, P., Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, M., Rogero-Bl...

How to Improve Healthcare for Patients with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy in Primary Care: A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial of the MULTIPAP Intervention

Journal: Journal of Personalized Medicine
Published Date: 2022/05/06
Authors: Del Cura-González, I., López-Rodríguez, J.A., Leiva-Fernández, F., Gimeno-Miguel, A., Poblador-Plou, B., López-Verde, F., Lozano-Hernández, C., Pico-Soler, V., Bujalance-Zafra, M.J., Gimeno-Feliu, L.A., Aza-Pascual-salcedo, M., Rogero-Blanco, M...

The epidemiology of multimorbidity in France: Variations by gender, age and socioeconomic factors, and implications for surveillance and prevention

Journal: PLoS ONE
Published Date: 2022/04/06
Authors: Coste, J., Valderas, J.M., Carcaillon-Bentata, L.

A systematic review and recommendations for prom instruments for older people with frailty in emergency care

Journal: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Published Date: 2022/04/01
Authors: van Oppen, J.D., Alshibani, A., Coats, T.J., Graham, B., Holch, P., Lalseta, J., Mackintosh, N., Richardson, V., Riley, P., Valderas, J.M., Conroy, S.P.

Feasibility of the SINERGIAPS (“Sinergias entre profesionales y pacientes para una Atención Primaria Segura”) intervention for improving patient safety in primary care

Journal: Family practice
Published Date: 2022/03/07
Authors: Serrano-Ripoll, M.J. , Fiol-deRoque, M.A. , Valderas, J.M. , Zamanillo-Campos, R. , Llobera, J. , de Labry Lima, A.O. , Pastor-Moreno, G. , Ricci-Cabello, I.

Cross-cultural adaptation of the Spanish MINICHAL instrument into English for use in the United Kingdom

Journal: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Published Date: 2022/03/04
Authors: Jordan, A.N., Anning, C., Wilkes, L., Ball, C., Pamphilon, N., Clark, C.E., Bellenger, N.G., Shore, A.C., Sharp, A.S.P., Valderas, J.M.

What matters most in acute care: an interview study with older people living with frailty

Journal: BMC Geriatrics
Published Date: 2022/02/25
Authors: van Oppen, J.D., Coats, T.J., Conroy, S.P., Lalseta, J., Phelps, K., Regen, E., Riley, P., Valderas, J.M., Mackintosh, N.