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Investigation of metabolomic biomarkers for childhood executive function and the role of genetic and dietary factors: The GUSTO cohort

Journal: eBioMedicine
Published Date: 2022/06/18
Authors: Huang, J., Law, E., Karaman, I., McCrickerd, K., Fogel, A., Chong, M.F.F., Daniel, L.M., Silveira, P.P., Chong, Y.S., Eriksson, J.G., Meaney, M.J., Huang, J.

Impact of front-of-pack labels with nutrition and Grass-Fed claims on consumer perceptions and expected sensory and nutritional characteristics of Cheddar cheese – A comparative study of Irish and US consumers

Journal: Food Quality and Preference
Published Date: 2022/06/02
Authors: McGuinness, L., McCabe, M., Kiernan, C., McCrickerd, K., Forde, C.G., Dolores O'Riordan, E., Feeney, E.L.

Texture-based differences in eating rate influence energy intake for minimally processed and ultra-processed meals

Journal: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Published Date: 2022/03/14
Authors: Teo, P.S., Lim, A.J., Goh, A.T., Janani, R., Choy, J.Y.M., McCrickerd, K., Forde, C.G.

Sensory profiles and mothers’ expectations and beliefs about age appropriate snacks for infants and toddlers in Singapore

Journal: Food Quality and Preference
Published Date: 2021/11/19
Authors: Wei Kee Tan, V., Lim, A.J., McCrickerd, K., Forde, C.G.

Evaluation of a child food reward task and its association with maternal feeding practices

Journal: PLoS ONE
Published Date: 2021/07/21
Authors: Toh, J.Y., Quah, P.L., Wong, C.H., Yuan, W.L., Aris, I.M., McCrickerd, K., Godfrey, K.M., Chong, Y.-S., Shek, L.P., Tan, K.H., Yap, F., Meaney, M.J., Forde, C.G., Lee, Y.S., Broekman, B.F.P., Chong, M.F.F.

The impact of feeding experiences during infancy on later child eating behaviours

Journal: Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care
Published Date: 2021/02/23
Authors: Pang, W.W., McCrickerd, K.