Giving & Volunteering

Inspiring heart health for all

Public Health Screening outreach by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine


Our research programme seeks to make ground-breaking discoveries and establish innovation for heart health globally.

Support us in our pursuit to achieve the best possible heart health and healthcare outcomes for people in Singapore and beyond. In the face of a rapidly ageing population and rising chronic disease burden, each of your contributions will bring us one step closer to delivering impactful and translational research towards a future eradicated of strokes and heart disease.

Every small step of giving counts.

To contribute, contact us at


We are always seeking volunteers. Offer your time and effort to help us advance our research.

You may like to be a volunteer in our clinical studies or help us to introduce friends and family who would like to take part in our studies.

Very few other activities give back to society as meaningfully as being involved in clinical research where we can work together to improve the health of humanity.

Together we can make an even larger impact towards improving the heart health of our nation!