Community Outreach

Inspiring Health for All

Public Health Screening

Amplifying Awareness

While clinical research is the cornerstone of medical progress, it often operates behind the scenes, hidden from the public eye, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of medical knowledge. Outreach events shine a spotlight on this critical work, demystifying the research process and highlighting its importance in healthcare.

NUS Medical Society held a Public Health Screening 2023 on 26th & 27tH August.

Held at the Canopy @ JLink, Jurong East, the event saw nearly 1000 residents attending the 2 day event.

The PHS motto of “Promoting Health, Spreading Awareness” resonated with CVMD’s motto of : “Bringing Cardiology to the People”.

Represented by a team comprising Clinical Research Co-ordinators, Nurses, Research Fellows, Volunteers, Doctors and medical students, this event was a  huge success as we registered approximately 500 participants via QR code for Project RESET on a hot and blistering 37 degree C weekend!

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