Scientific Illustration

Welcome to our Scientific Illustration service, dedicated to assisting you in developing visuals for your research and academic needs. Led by Dr. Diego Pitta de Araujo, an experienced scientific illustrator with a strong background in both science and art, our service ensures that your visual representations are both accurate and visually compelling.

Our Services 

  1. Illustration and graphic design services
  • Schematic figures for academic purposes: scientific papers, books and research proposals
  • Infographics for presentations
  • Artwork for conference banners


  1. Editorial Work
  • Journal and book covers
  • Illustrations for feature media (news coverage)


  1. Data Visualization
  • 3D data editing (data from MRI, confocal microscopy, Protein Data Bank)
  • 3D modeling and digital sculpting



Here’s an overview of how the process of creating a visual works. . It is flexible and may change depending on the nature of each project.

(a) Submit your request: via e-mail. You can provide as many details as you find necessary, or decide after the project discussion.

(b) Project discussion: Meet online or in person

(c) Project development:

  1. Concept: A sketch/draft will be made and sent to you (via e-mail)
  2. Development: A polished version will be made and sent to you
  3. Editing: You can propose changes, and errors can be fixed
  4. Finish: The final file is sent to you; read for submission or printing.


Timeline: Please note that it takes about 1-2 weeks to create a simple visual (e.g. one schematic figure for a paper) and more than 4 weeks for a complex visual (e.g. an infographic for a project presentation). Approach the illustration service as early as you can.


Booking system: There is no queue or booking system. The service is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority may change based on deadlines and the importance of the project.


Any information shared with the scientific illustration service is kept confidential until permission is given to disclose it.


For Scientific Illustration service, please contact:
Dr. Diego Pitta de Araujo (PhD),
Research Support Unit, National University Health System,

National University of Singapore