Regular Workshops

Duration: 4 half days
Frequency: 2-3 times per year
Fee: S$491 (inclusive of GST)
Pre-requisite: NIL
Trainers: NUS Biostatistics Unit
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

– Introduction to the concepts on basic clinical research methodology and basic statistical theory of estimation & hypothesis testing

– Understand the effects of sample size on clinical results and sample size calculations methodology

– Set up a database in SPSS, import Excel files, perform simple manipulations on the data and simple descriptive statistics

– Understand the statistical concepts for the various methods of statistical analysis for different outcome measures

– Understand the theory of setting up statistical models for different outcome measures

Duration: 4 half days days
Pre-requisite: Have knowledge of basic/intermediate statistics and the SPSS application.
Frequency: 1 time per year
Fee: S$600 (inclusive of GST)
Trainers: NUS Biostatistics Uni
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

This workshop extends the intermediate Quantitative & Qualitative Data Analyses techniques. The following topics will be discussed:

– Mixed Model, General Linear Model and Linear Regression

– Repeated Measurement Analysis, Repeated ANOVAs & Generalized Estimating Equations for Repeated Binary Outcomes Categorical

– Poisson Regression for count data

– The concept of Weighted Logistic Regression

– Risk Model Development using ROC Analysis

– Use of Principal Component Analysis for natural setting data and solving multicolinearity issues

– Reliability and Factor analyses for questionnaire

Duration: 4 half days
Pre-requisite: Have knowledge of basic and intermediate statistics.
Frequency: 1 time per year
Fee: S$545 (inclusive of GST)
Trainers: NUS Biostatistics Unit
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

Participants will learn the foundation of using the SEM/GSEM commands to enhance their research work, focusing on Regressions, Pathways, Mediation effects, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models. It is by no means to be an exhaustive course.

Duration: 1 day
Pre-requisite: NIL
Frequency: 1 time per year
Fee: S$327 (inclusive of GST)
Trainers: NUS Systematic Review Unit
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

This course offers an introductory to systematic review and meta-analysis and the steps involve in performing a systematic review.

Duration: 5 half days
Pre-requisite: NIL
Frequency: 1 time per year
Fee: S$763 (inclusive of GST)
Trainers: Cochrane Singapore
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

This five half-day Basic Workshop provides an essential overview of the entire systematic review process, as described in the “Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions”. It covers the key topics on developing a focused question (PICO method), effective literature searching, assessing risk of bias of studies, conducting meta-analysis using Review Manager, managing study heterogeneity and interpreting the results (e.g. forest and funnel plots).

Duration: 5 half days
Pre-requisite: Have attended basic systematic review & meta-analysis workshops
Frequency: 1 time per year
Fee: S$763 (inclusive of GST)
Trainers: Cochrane Singapore
Course Objectives/ Descriptions:

A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions typically includes well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) however sometimes the lack of RCTs may prompt reviewers to include observational studies such as cohort and case-control studies. This five half-day workshop will guide reviewers on how to conduct systematic reviews on observational studies. It will cover the following key topics: searching the Cochrane library, bias and confounding, assessing risk of bias, conducting a meta-analysis, multiple regression analysis and a hands-on session on RevMan software.