Systematic Review


The SRU was established on 14 July 2015 by Associate Professor Chong Yap Seng with the premise to provide administrative support and training to all National University Health System (NUHS) departments to perform systematic reviews in their respective specialties. The Unit is managed by Dr Miny Samuel who has several years’ experience in systematic review research methodology.


  • To provide support to NUS Students, NUHS Clinicians, Nurses, Allied Health researchers to undertake high-quality systematic reviews and evidence summaries and to publish them in well-known journals and electronic databases such as the Cochrane Library and BMJ Best Practice.
  • To equip our students, clinicians and researchers with the necessary skills in performing systematic reviews by conducting training courses.

Our Services

  • Consultation: Provide consultations on the methodology and conduct of systematic reviews and evidence summaries.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate on systematic review research projects as a counterpart to develop a protocol, search the literature, perform meta-analysis, assess risk of bias in studies, summarize the findings, and  manuscript preparation.
  • Education: Running workshops, short-courses and talks on systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
  • Guidance: Provide guidance to register systematic review research projects with the Cochrane collaboration.


    For systematic review and meta-analysis advice, please contact:

    Dr Miny Samuel (Assistant Director)