Winners of Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Publication Awards [1 Jan 2020 – 31 Dec 2020]

GOLD Research Award

Chong SJF, Iskandar K, Lai JXH, Qu J, Raman D, Valentin R, Herbaux C, Collins M, Low ICC, Loh T, Davids M, Pervaiz S
Serine-70 phosphorylated Bcl-2 prevents oxidative stress-induced DNA damage by modulating the mitochondrial redox metabolism
Nucleic Acids Research, 2020 Dec 16;48(22):12727-12745

Peng AYT*, Agrawal I*, Ho WY*, Yen YC, Pinter AJ, Liu J, Phua QXC, Koh KB, Chang JC, Sanford E, Man JHK, Wong P, Gutmann DH, Tucker-Kellogg G, Ling SC
Loss of TDP-43 in astrocytes leads to motor deficits by triggering A1-like reactive phenotype and triglial dysfunction
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020 Nov 17; 117(46):29101-29112
*First Co-Authors

SILVER Research Award

Raman D, Chong SJF, Iskandar K, Hirpara JL, Pervaiz S
Peroxynitrite promotes serine-62 phosphorylation-dependent stabilization of the oncoprotein c-Myc
Redox Biol, 2020 Jul; 34:101587

Hirpara JL, Subramaniam K, Bellot G, Qu J, Seah S, Loh T, Tucker-Kellogg L, Clement MV and Pervaiz S
Superoxide induced inhibition of death receptor signaling is mediated via induced expression of apoptosis inhibitory protein cFLIP
Redox Biol, 2020 Feb; 30:101403

Dasgupta A, Lim YJ, Kumar K, Baby N, Pang KLK, Benoy A, Behnisch T, Sajikumar S
Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors gate long-term potentiation and synaptic tagging/capture in rat hippocampal area CA2
eLife, 2020 Apr 20;9:e55344

Pal A, Leung JY, Ang GCK, Rao VK, Pignata L, Lim HJ, Hebrard M, Chang KT, Lee VK, Guccione E, Taneja R
EHMT2 epigenetically suppresses Wnt signaling and is a potential target in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
eLife, 2020 Nov 30;9:e57683

Baby N, Alagappan N, Dheen ST, Sajikumar S
MicroRNA‐134‐5p inhibition rescues long‐term plasticity and synaptic tagging/capture in an Aβ (1–42)‐induced model of Alzheimer’s disease
Aging Cell, 2020 Jan;19(1):e13046

Zeng Q, Soe YM, Lim Y, Sobota RM, Schwarz H
CD137 ligand interacts with CD32a to trigger reverse CD137 ligand signalling
Cell Mol Immunol, 2020 Nov;17(11):1188-1189
