NIC welcomes global thought leaders to inaugural conference – Future-Ready Asia

Dr Swan Gin Beh (left), Chairman at the Singapore Economic Development Board, Professor Kishore Mahbubani (centre), the Dean of NUS’ Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, and Professor Brian Kennedy (right) from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, speaking at the first session of the NIC conference titled ‘The Future of Asia’, on 21 April 2016.

Leaders in biomedical sciences, government, energy and others, gather to exchange ideas on how Asia can meet the challenges ahead.

The NUS Medicine International Council (NIC) hosted its inaugural members’ meeting – Future-Ready Asia – from 20 to 22 April 2017. Attended by luminaries in medical research, government, policy, business, finance, energy, and other fields, the conference gathered experts and thought leaders from around the world to discuss the greatest challenges facing the region here in Singapore.

Chaired by former U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, Mr Frank Lavin, the three-day conference saw NIC members and invited speakers engage in dialogue over topics addressing the future of Asia, new frontiers in medicine, embracing disruptive innovation, mitigating the global silver tsunami, global politics, and tackling sustainability for the future. The inaugural conference took place against a background of concerns over the healthcare challenges brought about by rapidly ageing populations, the impacts of climate change, political and economic uncertainty in the U.S. and post-Brexit Europe and rising tensions in North Asia.


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