NIC Singapore Conference 2024: Healthcare, Geopolitics, and the Disruptors

The NIC Conference is a biannual event for NIC members. Participation is by-invitation only. To find out how to join in, please write to: NIC Administrator, Ms NG Hwee Koon at


Sunday, 26 May 2024

Time Welcome Dinner
6:00pm – 6:30pm Registration and Cocktail Reception
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Dinner dialogue with Ambassador Frank LAVIN (Ret.)
Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution; Former US ambassador to Singapore and Under Secretary for International Trade at the US Department of Commerce, United States
(Hybrid participation)

On “America and the World 2024” - The United States will face two challenges this year: Presidential elections and the debate over US foreign policy. The elections suggest an unappealing choice, with some 70% of Americans holding a negative view of both major party candidates. Foreign policy represents a longer-term question: what is the proper international role for the US in the post-cold war world? These two challenges are related as the debate over US leadership and potential over-commitment is a central issue in the presidential campaign. Ambassador Lavin will provide an overview of the presidential race and discuss the various approaches to foreign policy we are likely to see after the election.

Moderator: Mr Narinder SINGH
Co-Founder and Director, Avina Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore

Monday, 27 May 2024

Time Conference Agenda
8:00am – 8:45am Registration
8:45am – 10:00am

Welcome Remarks by Mr Kishore MAHBUBANI
Chairman, NUS Medicine International Council (NIC), Singapore

Opening Dialogue with Professor John MEARSHEIMER
R Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago
(Hybrid Participation)

On “Why the West is in Deep Trouble” – It is clear from what is happening in Ukraine and Gaza that the West’s policies are failing. But the problems go beyond those two wars. Just consider the demise of the liberal international order, not to mention what is happening to liberalism inside the United States and other Western countries. This talk will attempt to identify the root causes of the disastrous situation facing the West today.

Moderator: Mr Kishore MAHBUBANI
Chairman, NUS Medicine International Council (NIC)

10:00am – 10:20am Tea Break
10:20am – 11:20am

Can China and India Live in Harmony?
by Mr Kishore MAHBUBANI
Chairman, NUS Medicine International Council (NIC)

The China-India relationship is perhaps the most significant in the coming Asian 21st century. It is a relationship between countries which are home to the two largest populations in the world. By the end of this decade, China and India will be the world's 2nd and 3rd largest economies. Sometime in the next decade, China is likely to surpass the United States to become the world's largest economy. China and India also have the world's largest and second largest militaries, respectively. Unfortunately, tensions have been rising between the two Asian giants.

Can China and India live in harmony? This question is particularly important for Southeast Asia, a region that has been influenced by the Sinic and Indic civilisations for millennia. This session will offer some insight on the possible state of play in the bilateral relationship, as well as some suggestions on how the relationship can be better managed.

11:20am – 11:50am

Update on NUS Medicine by Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine)

11:50am – 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm – 2:00pm NIC Members’ Meeting
2:00pm – 3:00pm

Dialogue with Mr Sael AL WAARY
Group Chief Executive Officer, Arab Banking Corporation BSC (Bank ABC), Bahrain

On “The Impact of Geopolitics, Fintech or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Disruption and Other Megatrends in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
  • Increased geopolitical tensions impacting MENA and the impact on oil and gas trade and spill overs to regional economies;
  • Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as a safe haven, regional business hub and the opening up of Saudi Arabia - the shift to less hydrocarbon dependent economies;
  • Strong MENA population dynamics;
  • Dollar pegs and multi-decade high interest rates;
  • The rise of digital banking, AI and disruption to traditional banking in the region.

Moderator: Mr Maher KADDOURA
Entrepreneur, Jordan

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Digital Longevity Medicine
by Professor Dean HO
Provost’s Chair Professor; Director of The Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM) at NUS Medicine; Director of The N.1 Institute for Health (N.1); and Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at NUS, Singapore

Our health is often managed by snapshots of information from standard blood tests, sometimes taken only once per year, or even less frequently.

In reality, how our biology responds to fitness, food, and other interventions, is dynamic. Our interventions should also be dynamic, and monitored over time – as stories. In essence, we should be treated as Stories Over Snapshots. Each of our stories is unique and paves the way for true N-of-1 health.

This empowers our ability to address numerous challenges in preventive health, from obesity to heart health, and healthy ageing to longevity medicine.

Professor Ho will highlight a personal journey by harnessing The Regimen, a combination of interventions and digital platforms to realise N-of-1 health optimisation.

4:00pm – 4:30pm Tea Break
4:30pm – 5:30pm

Panel Discussion on “India, Democracy, and Elections”

As India holds its 18th general election, what are the implications for the world’s largest democracy and the world?

  • Mr Kapil KOMIREDDI, Columnist, Essayist, and Author of “Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India”, India and United Kingdom

  • Mr Girija PANDE, Director of Apex Advisors Pte Ltd, Former CEO of Tata Consultancy Services

Moderator: Mr Krishnamurthy CHANDRAMOULI
Managing Director, Rothschild Singapore

5:30pm – 6:00pm Break - Free and Easy
6:00pm – 6:30pm Cocktail Reception
6:30pm – 8:30pm Conference Dinner (free seating)

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Time Agenda
8:30am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 10:00am

Panel Discussion: Hospital Application of AI Technologies

This session will showcase the latest in healthcare AI technology, including imaging AI, GenAI and multiple live AI tools on the ENDEAVOUR AI streaming platform. The panellists will also feature 4th generation technologies such as holomedicine and cloud robotics in healthcare.

  • Dr James LEE, Consultant, Department of Surgery; and Assistant Group Chief Technology Officer, National University Health System (NUHS), Singapore on “AI and Big Data in Healthcare”

    In an era where technology intersects seamlessly with healthcare, the potential for AI and big data to revolutionise patient outcomes, streamline operations, and facilitate medical research is unprecedented. This talk will explore the latest advancements in AI and big data in the healthcare sector, showcasing real-world applications that demonstrate significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy, treatment personalisation, and operational efficiency.

  • Dr GAO Yujia, Consultant Hepatobiliary Surgeon, National University Hospital (NUH); and Assistant Group Chief Technology Officer, NUHS

    This session will cover cutting edge AI systems and applications in healthcare. From the latest in augment reality and mixed reality technology in the operating theatre and point-of-care applications, autonomous robots (Missi), automation using large language models, to the region’s first deployment of an indoor enterprise grade 5G data network. Integrating a multi-layer data network leveraging on “on-prem” (on premises IT infrastructure hardware and software applications that exist on-site instead of in cloud) and cloud computing, together with Singapore’s first healthcare supercomputer, the NUHS leverages these systems to enhance the productivity and quality of care across the Group.

Moderator: Professor NGIAM Kee Yuan
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Thyroid and Endocrine Surgeon, NUH; and Group Chief Technology Officer, NUHS

10:00am – 11:00am

Behavioural Insights for Addressing Global Challenges
by Professor Ayelet GNEEZY
Visiting Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore; Professor for Behavioral Sciences and Marketing, The Carol Lazier and Family Endowed Chair in Social Innovation and Impact, Co-founder and Director of the U.S.-Israel Center on Innovation and Economic Sustainability, and Co-founder and Director, Initiative for Social Innovation and Impact, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego, United States

Moderator: Dr Suhina SINGH
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, Jonda Health, Singapore

11:00am – 11:30am Tea Break
11:30am – 12:30pm

Innovation Showcase: Cutting Edge Technology

  • Associate Professor Helen ZHOU Juan Director of the Centre for Translational Magnetic Resonance Research, NUS Medicine and
    Associate Professor Thomas YEO Boon Thye, NUS Medicine, Singapore on “Foundation AI Models for Mind Reading and Personalised Brain Treatment”

    Advances in brain imaging technologies and artificial intelligence are providing an unprecedented opportunity to gain insights into the human mind. Here, Dr Zhou and Dr Yeo will showcase the use of MRI for mind reading and N-of-1 treatment of mental disorders.

  • Dr Zachery YEO, Director, NUS Medicine Digital Accelerator Unit on “Digital Accelerator in Academia”

    Showcasing 2 novel ideas in digital health space that was borne out of a recently concluded health hackathon organised by NUS Medicine Accelerator Unit in January 2024.

  • Mr Jeremy CHOONG, Founder and Chief Scientist, JayVoxx Holdings, JayVoxx Technologies on “AI and the Future of Humanity”
    • The Latest Breakthroughs;
    • The Impact This Technology Will Have on Your Life;
    • Impact on Jobs Market Shifts and Society;
    • Possibilities and Challenges That AI Presents;
    • Real-World Applications;
    • Healthcare;
    • Education;
    • Tackling Climate Change;
    • Boosting Productivity.

Moderator: Professor Dean HO
Provost’s Chair Professor; Director of The Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM) at NUS Medicine; Director of The N.1 Institute for Health (N.1); and Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at NUS, Singapore

12:30pm – 2:30pm

Lunch Panel Discussion on "The Future of Southeast Asia: Balancing Regional Stability and Economic Growth in a Changing Global Landscape"

This panel discussion will explore Indonesia’s political shift with President-elect Prabowo Subianto and its impact on Southeast Asia, delving into issues like how might Indonesia's new leadership affect regional stability and economic development; and examining ASEAN's strategic balancing act amidst US-China rivalry and the implications for regional dynamics. Together, the panellists will provide insights into the opportunities and challenges for Southeast Asia in fostering stability and growth in a complex geopolitical landscape.

  • Mr Hans VRIENS, Founder and Managing Partner of Vriens & Partners
  • Mr Edward Lee, Former Singapore Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, and Indonesia

Moderator: Mr Kishore MAHBUBANI
Chairman, NUS Medicine International Council (NIC)

*The above programme is a tentative one and may be subject to changes.
