Gavin Stewart Dawe
Head & Associate Professor

Foreword from the Head of Department
On behalf of the Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, let me extend our warmest welcome to those who have just join the Department. For those who have just arrived from overseas, welcome to Singapore.
I am sure that you, either as a research staff or postgraduate students, have come with much enthusiasm about your undertakings in the Department for the next few years. Each one of you will embark on a different project, but you all have one thing in common, that is the desire to succeed. We are here to help you along the way to success. We recognize that the most challenging period is always in the very beginning when you are in a new environment, not sure about what you are doing and how things should be done. Therefore, the Department has expended much effort in producing this webpage to guide you.
Primarily, rules are made for two important reasons. Firstly, personal safety is of utmost importance. During the period of your stay with the Department, you will have to handle many hazardous substances such as toxins, corrosives and radioactive materials. You must behave responsibly so that no one is exposed to unnecessary risk. I would like to appeal to you that when an accident or near-miss occurs, do not cover it up and just slip away. You should instead inform all the relevant people so that any damage and hazards may be minimized, and we can learn from the incident to enhance safety. There cannot be any penalty for such responsible behaviour. The Department is interested only in safety for all. Personal safety is not complete without security in the workplace, especially when you work late into the night, so please study the safety and security measures and put them into day-to-day practice.
Secondly, a harmonious atmosphere in the workplace reduces stress and increases productivity. Most of the rules made in this regard are just common courtesy that we should always extend to all our colleagues. I do not doubt that success will come with relative ease in a safe, secure and harmonious working environment.

Gautam SETHI
Department Safety and Health Committee Chair
Foreword from the Department Safety and Health Committee Chair
On behalf of the Department of Pharmacology’s Safety and Health committee, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all the members of the Department.
The Department of Pharmacology, in line with current NUS policy and Government legislations, is acutely aware of the necessity to adhere to international standards of safety legislation. The Department fully recognizes that not only does safety ‘begin at home’, but also that all personnel working in, or visiting the Department must be fully briefed on Department/University safety policies. All staff and students in the Department of Pharmacology firmly believe that safety is a serious issue that concerns all personnel’s working in the various laboratories and offices. It is, therefore, essential to have in place a robust safety management system that can provide a range of instructional and resourceful materials to aid the researchers/members fully comprehend the incorporation of the fundamental rules of safety practices into their daily work routine. Hence, the department has put up a great deal of effort in constructing this webpage to educate and guide all the members.
The Department will strive to further enhance this culture so that it becomes an instinctive behavior in all staff and students. We hope that our success will motivate others to conscientiously feel the need and to develop new initiatives to protect their own people within their work environment.
Department Safety Policy
The Department of Pharmacology views nurturing, long-term development, and refinement of safety culture among all who work in the Department as of utmost priority and importance.
This policy protects the safety and health of all the occupants of the Department of Pharmacology, students, staff and visitors stationed at MD3 premises.
Our objectives are to:
- Ensure that all who work in the Department (including visitors and workers) are made aware of the importance and relevance of all safety regulations and abide by them fully.
- Nurture a safety culture that is comprehensive, easy to understand and, most importantly, strictly followed by all who work in our department, including in the research laboratories or conducting practical classes for students in the teaching laboratory.
- Ensure a safe department by embracing safety, total workplace safety and health system, sustainability and emergency preparedness as core values.
Personal Responsibility of All Staff and Students for Safe Practices
To achieve the safety objectives while ensuring business continuity, the Department will continue to cultivate a positive mindset to develop, adopt and implement best practices in safety and health. We will ensure that all staff members, students, contractors and visitors take personal responsibility to prevent as well as protect against potential injuries to themselves and their colleagues.
Equipment Safety
Equipment safety for all users is assured by insistence on hands-on training before use. Regular inspection and maintenance of all laboratory equipment will be closely monitored, according to manufacturers' recommendations.
Commitment to Safety Compliance
The Department is committed to complying with all legislation, guidelines and standards prescribed by ORMC and Government organizations concerning safety, health, and environmental issues. The Department will review these periodically to ensure their relevance and compliance.
Mandatory Training for All
The Department fully supports the Structured Safety Training System organized by ORMC to help protect lives by preventing mishaps, accidents and injuries. These measures will indirectly reduce operating costs. PIs and their lab members, including students, must complete all the required training pertaining to their job scope and the workplace hazards they face in the course of their work.
Accident Prevention
Staff and students must report any incident to their reporting officers within 24 hours. We also stress the importance of ensuring that prompt and proper corrective actions will be implemented in line with recommendations and SOP.
The policy shall be communicated to all occupants and feedback will be provided through the department website, welcome folder, safety bulletin board, regular meetings and safety orientation sessions.
Sustainability and Environment Protection
PIs are consistently encouraged to adopt sustainable lab practices and are required to consider the following before submission of any protocol for risk assessment:
Is the procedure necessary?
Can the procedure be replaced by another safer approach?
Can the amount of hazardous substances used be minimized?
Furthermore, it is imperative that proper inventory and management of hazardous materials must be thoroughly recorded. All waste generated must be treated and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner by engaging only licensed toxic industrial waste collectors.
Total Workplace Safety and Health System (TWSH)
The Department fully supports the TWSH program introduced by University and Faculty. The Department will promote a conducive environment for the implementation of TWSH. We will monitor and evaluate the implementation of TWSH initiatives in the Department to integrate workplace health, safety and well-being activities of our staff.
Review and Continual Improvement
The Department will carry out periodic review of control measures, unannounced safety inspections, internal audits and consultations with staff and students to ensure the Health and Safety objectives are achievable, appropriate and effective.
The Department will continually strive to ensure that the culture of safe practices is ingrained in the attitude and behaviour of all its staff and students. To ensure this, the Department will consistently upgrade and update the knowledge, skills and awareness of safety issues among all its staff and students.
Associate Professor Gavin Stewart DAWE
Department of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Reviewed on 04 Jan 2024