This Chia Boon Lock Memorial Fund aims to honour the legacy of Emeritus Professor Chia Boon Lock, an outstanding teacher, mentor and respected member of the medical community. He is known as Singapore’s “Father of Cardiology” for his pioneering work in the field. The fund was set up by his peers, colleagues and ex-students to perpetuate his passionately held beliefs about the practice of medicine and medical education.

A courageous man who never wavered in the face of mortality in his battle with a life threatening disease; a man who devoted his entire life to the single-minded pursuit of excellence in cardiology; a good teacher who was ever so willing to share his knowledge with others; a great mentor who was generous with his advice. He was simply an honourable person who led an honourable life.”

– Professor Tan Huay Cheem, Director, National University Heart Centre, Singapore

Emeritus Professor Chia passed away on 27 December 2017. Singapore’s doctors who had the privilege of working or learning from him during his illustrious career, saw him bring his hopes and visions for the field to life. His illustrious academic career began in 1972, when he joined NUS as a faculty member. He was appointed Professor of Medicine in 1981. Prof Chia was awarded the title of Emeritus Consultant by NUH in 2005 and was conferred the title of Emeritus Professor by the University in 2006. He continued to teach, mentor and practice until 2017 when he retired.

He is remembered as a teacher par excellence, a favourite of NUS medical students and registrars training in cardiology, someone always willing to listen and unstinting with his advice. Indeed he once remarked that “although many regard me as a good clinical cardiologist, people remember me best for my teaching.”

The proceeds from the fundraising will be used to support the Chia Boon Lock Memorial Bursary, which provides financial aid for full-time medical undergraduates, and the Chia Boon Lock Cardiology Prize, which is awarded to undergraduate medical students with the best written report on a research project in the field of Cardiology.