Members of our MBBS Class of 1995 remember our student times fondly.  We were a small class of 150 (typical of that time) from diverse backgrounds and junior colleges. Nevertheless, over the months and years, we became a cohesive bunch, working together through activities such as orientation, Rag and Flag, inter-year Playhouse and games, and the Community Health Project. Attending lectures were a staple then during our preclinical years (pre-webcast era) and enabled us to come together to learn about the most important things and to chit chat afterwards. The clinical years saw us bonding with our clinical group-mates while being posted to the various hospitals. Some of the more memorable times were when we helped deliver babies during night duties in the O and G posting. After graduation, our friendships were further consolidated and forged through the rigours of housemanship.

Fast-forward 23 years later – while we work in varied career fields, we treasure the times we bump into each other in conferences, hospital corridors or anywhere, and catch up on how each other is doing. A close unsaid bond remains as we reminisce about funny or tough times.

Many make efforts to organise meals or karaoke sessions in classmates’ cosy homes or book a table together for conference dinners. We have a class Whatsapp chat group that literally puts us all on the same page, where friendly banter goes almost daily, e.g. offering congratulations when hearing good news of classmates, e.g. setting up of new clinics, career promotions or to exchange information and ideas on our medical practice environment.

Our class is delighted to have been able to pool our resources to make this bursary possible. Along with others, it will help current and future medical students in need. We hope they, in turn, will cherish their medical school times and be inspired to serve society well in the fields they ultimately choose.

Criteria and Terms of Award of NUS Medicine Class of 1995 Bursary:

  • The Bursary will be open to full-time NUS medical undergraduates, regardless of citizenship and race.
  • The Bursary shall be used towards living allowance and / or tuition fees.
  • The award of bursary will be based on prevailing University Guidelines on monthly family Per Capita Income level.