Have a question for us? Feel free to read our Frequently Asked Questions below or contact us at giving_med@nus.edu.sg today!

It is estimated that about 1 in 4 students at NUS Medicine requires financial assistance. You can make an impact to their future by supporting the Giving to the Next Generation Project, which awards bursaries to financially needy students. For classes celebrating milestone anniversaries, you may also wish to support your class campaign. To explore other options, visit What to Support.

If you are a Singapore tax resident, your gift to NUS made during 1 January to 31 December 2018 is eligible for a tax deduction that is 2.5 times the gift value. When the tax deduction for the donation is more than your taxable income (for both individuals and companies) for the year, the donor is allowed to carry forward the unutilised deductions for a maximum of 5 years. For example, a donation made in 2011, and allowed for deduction in YA 2012, will be allowed to be carried forward (if tax deduction for the donation exceeds the income for 2011) up to YA 2017. Donors (companies) must satisfy the shareholding test as defined in the Income Tax Act of Singapore.

To recognise the generosity of our donors, NUS Medicine offers naming opportunities. You can make a gift to honour individuals such as mentors or loved ones. We also welcome gifts from corporations and foundations. Contact us at giving_med@nus.edu.sg to learn more.

The standard terms and conditions can be obtained here.
