Ah Leng’s Canteen lives on in the mind of generations of Singapore’s doctors as the place to go for 10-cent toast, half-boiled eggs, coffee, Milo, Horlicks and curry puffs, despite its closure in 1983. But more than the food, those generations of doctors recall canteen proprietor Mr Wong Niap Leng for his quiet generosity to students whether it was for food or tuition fees on credit. They established the Wong Niap Leng Medical Bursary to honour Mr Wong and the difference he made to students in need.

Photos reproduced with permission from NUS News. The photos first appeared in an article published on 24 February 2015 in NUS News at http://news.nus.edu.sg/highlights/student-hero

The Bursary is used to aid financially needy medical students in NUS Medicine, regardless of citizenship and race. The tenure of an award from the Bursary is for one year and shall be used towards living allowance and/or tuition fees. The number of students to receive an award of monies from the Bursary in each academic year, the amount to be awarded to each such student and the suitability of candidates for the receipt of the Bursary shall be solely in the discretion of NUS Medicine.