About Us

Sustainable medicine is an emerging multidisciplinary field of practice dedicated to improving the health of our patients in the face of climate change, and driving the transition to net zero healthcare.


From extremes of heat and worsening asthma to the spread of infectious disease, climate change is directly threatening human health and disrupting healthcare access and delivery across the globe. Contributing more to carbon emissions than shipping and aviation combined, health systems are often exacerbating this threat, undermining their central mission to deliver care for our patients and the public.

The health response to climate change is rapidly gaining pace in health systems on every continent. This inevitable transition needs new tools to guide clinical best-practice, rapid evidence generation to support timely policy decisions, and a new kind of healthcare leader to be at the forefront of the change.

2022 Hashtag at NUS Med

The Centre for Sustainable Medicine’s three pathways to deliver change

Preparing future healthcare leaders
Accelerating the delivery of net zero healthcare
Equipping clinicians with the best-available evidence

Preparing future healthcare leaders

Transforming medical education and embedding sustainable clinical practice as a core foundation in to everything we teach

Empowering the next wave of health leadership, with advanced educational opportunities for senior health and sustainability professionals

Providing the practical tools to support clinical and policy decisionmaking towards sustainable, net zero healthcare

Accelerating the delivery of net zero healthcare

Providing direct analytical and decision-support for health policymakers and health systems responding to climate change across Asia

Utilising our delivery and analytical expertise to broker trust and assurance between clinicians, Governments, and industry partners

Growing the field of sustainable medicine with opportunities for clinicians at every stage in their journey to engage in interdisciplinary research and direct service improvement

Equipping clinicians with the best-available evidence

Developing a Singapore Healthcare System Accelerator, deploying implementation sciences to drive change and scale interventions we know work

Mapping the carbon impact of key clinical pathways, drugs, and medical devices to identify new opportunities for rapid decarbonisation

Bringing new approaches and methods to the field that leverage expertise from across artificial intelligence, digital healthcare, and the behavioural sciences

Our Partners
