
Dr Mo Yin
Senior Lecturer, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital
Deputy Director, ADVANcing Clinical Evidence in Infectious Diseases (ADVANCE-ID)
Dr Mo Yin is an Infectious Diseases physician and a clinician scientist based at the National University Hospital, Singapore. Her research interest is in antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases. Driven by the ideal of using quality clinical research to improve patient outcomes and propel global policies, Dr Mo designs and leads large multinational clinical trials which focus on pragmatic clinical solutions. In addition, Dr Mo possesses expertise in mathematical modelling, statistics, bioinformatics and qualitative research.
Notably, Dr Mo. serves as the deputy director of ADVANCE-ID, a large clinical trial network consisting of over 60 hospitals globally. Her contributions to the filed have been recognized through numerous awards for her achievements in clinical care, research and teaching. Additionally, she served as an external consultant to the World Health Organisation and Public Health England. Dr Mo obtained her MBBS from the National University of Singapore and DPhil from the University of Oxford.